Permanent Ban

Robinhood Stock Traders
Facebook bans Robinhood Stock Traders group: Amid a Wall Street market battle that primarily used the stock trading app Robinhood, Facebook cracked down on a related group. A group called "Robinhood…
Periscope removed #WalkAway account: The Walk Away movement, which was removed from Facebook in early January, was also removed from Periscope. The #WalkAway Campaign page is still live on Twitter,…
John Fredericks
YouTube permanently removes John Fredericks Show channel: Syndicated conservative radio host John Fredericks was booted off of YouTube. There is no indication of the reason, but his channel was…
Mailchimp bans Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL): Mailchimp, a popular email marketing service, reported to VCDL that it had found "serious risks associated with the account." The email that…
Ali Alexander
Facebook bans #StopTheSteal protest organizer Ali Alexander: Facebook, as part of its efforts to scrub any mention of #StopTheSteal in response to the violence that erupted during the #StopTheSteal…
Sidney Powell
Twitter permanently bans attorney Sidney Powell in latest QAnon purge: According to a report from NBC News, Twitter has permanently banned attorney Sidney Powell's account in a QAnon purge. Powell,…
Gen. Michael Flynn
Twitter bans Gen. Flynn for reportedly sharing QAnon content: Twitter suspends President Trump's former national security advisor Gen. Michael Flynn for purportedly being an account…
Constant Contact deactivates WalkAway campaign service: Brandon Straka, founder of #WalkAway, reported that Constant Contact has deactivated the service for his WalkAway campaign. He speculated that…
MailChimp deactivates WalkAway campaign service: Brandon Straka, founder of #WalkAway, reported that MailChimp has deactivated the service for his WalkAway campaign. He speculated that a number of…
Steve Bannon's War Room
YouTube permanently removes Steve Bannon's War Room podcast channel: Steve Bannon's War Room podcast channel has been permanently removed from YouTube. A YouTube spokesperson reported: "In accordance…
Facebook removes WalkAway Foundation and related pages: #WalkAway founder Brandon Straka reported on Twitter that Facebook had completely deplatformed his movement. The WalkAway Foundation Facebook…
Donald J. Trump
President Donald Trump permanently banned from Twitter: Twitter finally dropped the hammer on President Donald Trump's account, permanently banning him for rhetoric the platform says risks further…
Donald J. Trump
Live Streaming service Twitch indefinitely suspends Trump's account: Twitch is a live streaming platform best-known for its use amongst gamers who stream themselves while playing their video…
Twitter permanently suspends major QAnon account without telling him why: A large QAnon account with over 300,000 followers was permanently suspended from Twitter. He reports that Twitter did not…
Ravynn Liberty
Twitter user gets a permanent ban for profile header image showing her holding a gun: A Twitter user explained that her account had been permanently banned. She shared a screenshot of the…
Twitter suspends KrakenWood accounts days after they launched: The Sidney Powell/Lin Wood legal team launched two new Twitter accounts approximately on November 29. These accounts were @KrakenWood…
David Burstein
Twitter permanently suspended user for sharing video he got off a surveillance camera in a ballot counting center: A Twitter user got in trouble for tweeting some video from a ballot counting center…
Stop the Steal
Facebook shut down group organizing Stop the Steal rallies to fight voter fraud: After the election, a Facebook group was formed called Stop the Steal. The group said: "We need boots not he ground to…
TikTok permanently bans user for sharing news of "Signs of early election mischief in Michigan": A Twitter user shared some screenshots showing his permanent ban on TikTok. The user had…
Facebook user incensed her account was permanently banned for link about Hunter Biden, now such link is allowed: At the height of the Hunter Biden New York Post controversy, a Facebook user was…