Case #

Facebook removes WalkAway Foundation and related pages: #WalkAway founder Brandon Straka reported on Twitter that Facebook had completely deplatformed his movement. The WalkAway Foundation Facebook page was removed, with nearly 200,000 followers. The notice Straka received about this indicated that Facebook does not allow pages that are "hateul, threatening or obscene." It is unclear exactly what led to the determination that the WalkAway Foundation page fell under any of these categories, but it may be related to content shared from the Capitol riot. The #WalkAway movement is dedicated to recording the stories of former Democrats who have chosen to walk away from the Left for various reasons. Straka's own verified page was also removed from Facebook, @BrandonStraka, with nearly 350,000 followers, 10 days after the WalkAway page was removed. Additionally, Straka reported that his "dozen paid employees" were also all removed from Facebook, as well as "dozens of volunteers." It was also reported that a Facebook group for the #WalkAway campaign was removed as well, with approximately 500,000 members. Straka said that his group will be moving to CloutHub after the Facebook purge. 

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