Permanent Ban

Lone Star Outdoor Show
Instagram disables outdoor account after failing to follow its own guidelines: Lone Star Outdoor Show had its Instagram account shut down, and the reason that Instagram used did not follow its own…
Michelle Malkin
Airbnb bans Michelle Malkin and her husband from use of its platform: Outspoke pundit Michelle Malkin received a note from an Airbnb representative after she used the service to book accommodations…
Lone Star Outdoor Show
Instagram disables outdoor account after failing to follow its own guidelines: Lone Star Outdoor Show had its Instagram account shut down, and the reason that Instagram used did not follow its own…
Lone Star Outdoor Show
Instagram disables outdoor account after failing to follow its own guidelines: Lone Star Outdoor Show had its Instagram account shut down, and the reason that Instagram used did not follow its own…
Timcast IRL
TikTok permanently bans Tim Pool's Timcast IRL account for unexplained reasons: Tim Pool, a podcaster who commentates on political and cultural news, posted short clips of his podcast on TikTok,…
Lone Star Outdoor Show
Instagram disables outdoor account after failing to follow its own guidelines: Lone Star Outdoor Show had its Instagram account shut down, and the reason that Instagram used did not follow its own…
Ron Paul Institute
UPDATE: YouTube Makes 'Mistake,' CENSORS and Then Reinstates Ron Paul Institute Channel Autumn Johnson September 30th, 2021   UPDATE: YouTube censored and then reinstated the…
Garrett Soldano
YouTube reportedly bans candidate running for governor of Michigan: Garrett Soldano is running to be the Republican candidate for governor of Michigan against current Democratic governor Gretchen…
Gregory Wrightstone
LinkedIn disabled climate scientist Gregory Wrightstone allegedly because of his controversial scientific opinions: Gregory Wrightstone, a geologist, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition and…
Reddit mod permanently bans user who does not think Kyle Rittenhouse is a terrorist: A Reddit user participated in a discussion about the Kyle Rittenhouse self-defense case. 18-year-old Rittenhouse…
A Reddit mod permanently bans user from a subreddit because the user claimed parents who oppose school masks orders are not terrorists: A user who was part of the subredddit r/Selfawarewolves…
Nick Fuentes
Controversial commentator Nick Fuentes permanently banned from Twitter: Nick Fuentes, a highly controversial political commentator who has been accused of being a holocaust-denier and white…
Savannah Edwards
TikTok permanently bans black female user who has been making waves with videos dismantling the left's narrative on race: As a black millennial, Savannah Edwards has made a name…
Amala Ekpunobi
TikTok permanently bans gen Z PragerU personality after two seven-day suspensions: TikTok permanently banned new PragerU personality, Amala Ekpunobi immediately after two back-to-back "seven-day"…
James O'Keefe
SILENCED! Twitter Suspends Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe Permanently Alec Schemmel April 15th, 2021 5:31 PM Roughly two months after banning Project Veritas, Twitter has permanently…
Twitter permanently suspends user for pointing out hypocrisy: A Twitter user received what is reportedly a permanent ban from Twitter. The user reported that she was responding to another Twitter…
Alexander Muse
Twitter suspends guy behind Drudge Report replacement site for tweeting National Pulse article about MS judges ruling on election fraud: Alexander Muse, tweeting as @amuse, who started a Drudge…
Patrick Byrne
Twitter permanently suspends former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne: Libertarian and former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne had his Twitter account permanently suspended. The notice from Twitter…
Rogan O'Handley (@DC_Draino)
Popular Republican influencer Rogan O'Handley (@DC_Draino) booted from Twitter: Hours after popular Republican influencers Rogan O'Handley (@DC_Draino) and Austen Fletcher (@fleccas) were kicked…
Facebook removes top Virginia gun-rights group VCDL page, says it "will not be republishing": The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) has run into trouble with Facebook. In late January, Facebook…