
A Reddit mod permanently bans user from a subreddit because the user claimed parents who oppose school masks orders are not terrorists: A user who was part of the subredddit r/Selfawarewolves participated in a discussion sparked by a Tim Young tweet that read "Just to catch you up: According to Biden's Homeland Security.... ANTIFA ISN'T a terror threat, but parents openly opposing school mask orders are." When the user recounted the incident in another subreddit, r/Redditcensorship the user claimed he only commented that those that oppose masks are not terrorists and implied that he did not comment on whether ANTIFA activists should be considered terrorists. A moderator for r/Selfawarewolves permanently banned the user from the subreddit and said, "[i]magine whining about being "politically oppressed: as you make a public safety issue a political talking point. How about fuck off." The permanent ban only applies to the subreddit r/Selfawarewolves and prevents the user from posting or commenting in that specific subreddit. The user can, however, view and subscribe to the subreddit and participate in other subreddits on the site.

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