CensorTrack Database

7,111 Documented Cases
207 207
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
35 35
Cases Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
29 29
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
19 19
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
Cases Against The Heritage Foundation
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Displaying 6161 - 6180 of 7111
Ed Rushman
Ed Rushman, an Independent congressional candidate running to represent California's 46th congressional district, reported his advertisements for the 2020 election were being blocked by Facebook. He…
Les Hayes
Twitter censors factual statement about the census: A Twitter user reported that a tweet he posted months prior about the census got him in trouble for a confusing reason. The tweet in question…
Mark Levin
CNN's Oliver Darcy made a complaint on Twitter about a post from Fox News cable host Mark Levin that said the U.S. never surpassed 200,000 coronavirus deaths and that only 6% have died from the virus…
Victory or Valhalla
Twitter suspends user for a post about the election: A Twitter user tweeted: "@HKrassenstein @realDonaldTrump You idiot Democrats and polls. How did those polls work out for you when Trump beat…
Dronetek began receiving questions wondering why they had stopped making videos on YouTube. Others reported being automatically unsubscribed from DronetekPolitics, the user's…
Sadie-Megin Daniels
Twitter censors meme of Trump's born alive executive order announcement: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "HumanDefenseINI: You don’t have to be pro-life to appreciate this executive order…
Wolf Simpson
Twitter censors tweet about bike pedals for election misinformation: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "looks almost as good as the Ergotec pedals I use for past 5yrs which has made cycling much…
Tucker Carlson
Forty days before an election Tucker Carlson, the host of Fox News's Tucker Carlson Tonight, received a notification from Facebook that his page "has reduced distribution and other…
Twitter suspended this user's account without notice or explanation. The user claims they did not violate any rules, and that Twitter "removed" their email and phone number making their account…
Pro-Life Action League
Twitter censors image from Pro-Choice Arguments booklet: Pro-Life organization Pro-Life Action League tweeted the following: "Contrary to what one might expect, the evidence reveals no…
Will O'Quinn
Twitter censors image of pro-life chalk art: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "I’m pro life not because I’m anti women, but because I believe taking an innocent human life is never the answer.…
Gad Saad
Gad Saad, an author, professor and evolutionary behavioral scientist, reported losing followers today. One of Saad's followers confirmed he had been automatically removed from following him…
Ron Paul
Former Congressman from Texas, Ron Paul, had a video titled "Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As 'Total Fraud'" deleted from his YouTube channel, RonPaulLibertyReport. Paul's channel was…
John Solomon
Editor-in-chief John Solomon had his Twitter account temporarily restricted based on Twitter Security concerns that there was a malicious effort to hijack his account. Solomon is a…
Twitter restricted some of this user's account features asking that the user verify themselves. The move requires sharing your personal data and is meant to filter out inauthentic accounts.…
Jill Johson
Twitter censors mention of Antifa site redirecting to Biden site: A Twitter user reported that she was unable to make a tweet that pointed out the Antifa site was redirecting to Joe Biden's campaign…
The Simpsons
Users on Twitter have indicated that The Simpsons deleted a scene that showed Donald Trump became president. After The Walt Disney company acquired 20th Century Fox, including…
Sandra Dee
Twitter censors user for calling CNN "Whore news": A Twitter user took to the platform to explain that she just got out of a 12 hour restriction. She shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. It…
QB_Hitman Stan Account
This user was charged with violating Twitter's rules on hateful conduct after he used a racially charged term. "This n***a in 2020 is showing how much of a narcissistic attention whore he is.…
Twitter restricted some of this user's account features asking that the user verify themselves. The move requires sharing your personal data and is meant to filter out inauthentic accounts.…