CensorTrack Database

7,111 Documented Cases
207 207
Cases Against Donald Trump (R)
87 87
Cases Against Joe Biden (D)
35 35
Cases Against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
29 29
Cases Against Libs of TikTok
19 19
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
Cases Against The Heritage Foundation
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Displaying 6121 - 6140 of 7111
Secret SoSHHiety
This user's account was locked and forced to delete a tweet containing a satirical video compilation of Joe Biden touching girls. Twitter stated the video violated its rules against its child sexual…
Jeff Strabone
Twitter censors user for encouraging voters to put extra postage on mail-in ballots: A Twitter user reported that his account was restricted. Twitter said it was because his tweet violated its "rules…
The Twitter account of this user was locked after a tweet during the 2020 presidential debate that questioned Democrat nominee Joe Biden's health. The user apparently violated Twitter's…
Dee Dee Diane
This user reported being unable to follow more than one account per day. No notification was given by Twitter to explain this unusual behavior. No other complaints have been made by the user who…
JT Taylor
This Facebook user had his comment about climate change between friends censored. Discussing climate change the user replied to a post, "If we can keep the little kids with matches out of the Forest…
Karli Bonne'
This user was suspended from Twitter for tweeting, "What is Gruesome trying to pull in California?" attached to a news article. Twitter sent a notification indicating the user had violated Twitter…
MRC's Nick Kangadis
Twitter restricted MRC's Nick Kangadis's account features after he criticized Spotify employees threatening to walk out if the platform hosted Joe Rogan's podcast: The MRCTV's, Nick Kangadis, lost…
Donald J. Trump
A Facebook post from President Donald Trump stating, "The Ballots being returned to States cannot be accurately counted. Many things are already going very wrong!" earned a voter…
J Hoops
Twitter censors pro-life meme: A Twitter user replied to a tweet that Joe Biden made about the Supreme Court. His reply said "You would be pro life #creepyjoe if it meant more kids for you to 'sniff…
Twitter censors user for warning about Biden's health: A Twitter user who is a retired firefighter and paramedic, got in trouble for a comment about Joe Biden's health before the debate. He says that…
Twitter censors image of a person holding a Vote Republican sign: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "Christians should not be nuetral or play safe in this election. Its not about the persons but…
Sadie-Megin Daniels
Twitter censors pro-life meme: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "HumanDefenseINI: HumanDefenseINI: Abortion is never safe. Violence is never the answer. If you feel like you have no other…
Ivanka Trump (Official)
The Facebook page Ivanka Trump (Official) was taken down for violating policies regarding coordinated inauthentic behavior, after the page's admins were unable to be verified. This page is not the…
After tweeting out a video that challenges the case for mask wearing this user immediately had some of their account features locked. In order to return to regular usage Twitter required the user…
This user was suspended from Twitter, reportedly for tweeting about a connection between China and the coronavirus. The user indicated their account was suspended for two-weeks. Suspensions often…
This user's Twitter account was locked for violating rules against hateful conduct. The violation resulted from a tweet from the user saying, "@Alyssa_Milano @BarackObama No he's former, no…
Dr. Heiko Schoning
Dr. Heiko Schoning was arrested while speaking about COVID-19 at a rally in London. A video of Dr. Schoning speaking about his arrest, and COVID-19, following his release was deleted from…
Ferdy Guglielmi
Twitter censors image of DC buildings coupled with a Bible scripture: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "#BillyGraham #ProLife 'For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am…
Twitter censors user for criticizing Jill Biden: A Twitter user took to Parler to complain that her Twitter account had been restricted for a tweet in which she criticized Jill Biden. She was…
Nick Ochs
Nick Ochs, the GOP nominee for Hawaii's 22nd congressional district, has been banned from Facebook weeks before his election. The ban was done without warning, according to Ochs, who says he…