Law Enforcement Today

Facebook page Law Enforcement Today temporarily blocked from posting new content, Page Administrators also blocked from posting: A Facebook group run by — and dedicated to — law enforcement was temporarily unable to post new content for approximately 48 hours. The page's administrators were also blocked from making new posts on Facebook. The Law Enforcement Today page on Facebook has almost 900,000 followers and posts consistently on a daily basis. Between Jan 11 and Jan 13 no new posts appeared on the group's page. The group sent out a tweet alerting its audience to the restrictions levied against them by Facebook: "FB has just blocked Law Enforcement Today - with it's nearly 900,000 members - from posting. All admins blocked from posting to any page and group they are associated with. This is out of control. " As of the afternoon of Jan. 13, it appears Law Enforcement Today has been freed from its restrictions and regained its ability to post on Facebook.       

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