Fact Check

Pat Cross
Cartoon is one of many flagged by Facebook's fact-checkers for the most arbitrary reason: Several memes, including a cartoon by Pat Cross of The College Fix, highlighting the…
Family Circus Meme
Facebook fact-checker cracks down on 'Family Circus' meme poking fun at the ridiculousness of sex changes for children: The meme depicts a little boy who asks his father if he can "have a cigarette…
Dr. Marty Makary
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed from Johns Hopkins professor of surgery that proposed herd immunity will be reached by April 2021 fact-checked and suppressed on Facebook: An Op-Ed …
The Resurgent
Facebook puts an embarrassingly irrelevant "fact-check" on a Bill O'Reilly video: Conservative news site The Resurgent posted a short video of Bill O'Reilly talking about the allegations against…
Mark Moss
Facebook fact-checker targets video saying World Economic Forum has a "stated goal" for people to own nothing by 2030: Facebook targeted a video by motivational speaker Mark Moss posted Feb. 23…
The Federalist
Facebook "fact-checks" Federalist article without addressing its point: The Federalist posted one of its articles to Facebook, titled "Texas's Blackouts Are The Result Of Unreliable 'Green' Energy."…
Amy Kremer
Twitter places civic integrity notice on conservative activist Amy Kremer's tweets covering impromptu Trump rally: Conservative activist Amy Kremer tweeted photo and video of an impromptu rally…
Harry Paget
Facebook fact-checks cartoon about the COVID vaccines: A Twitter user explained that Facebook is censoring a COVID vaccine cartoon, and provided a screenshot showing that the cartoon was fact-checked…
Facebook fact-checks a meme quoting from a satire article: A user shared a meme on Facebook that consisted of part of an article from Real Raw News, which was noted in the meme. According to Real Raw…
Liz Wheeler
Facebook post from political commentator Liz Wheeler discussing COVID-19 mitigation strategies, and arguing Dr. Fauci lied about the case fatality rate and benefits of mask wearing, marked…
Maria Al Makahleh
Lacking all sense of humor, Facebook fact checks joke meme: A joke meme that started circulating after inauguration day got fact checked by Facebook. The meme looks like an official letter from…
Steve Deace
Facebook embarrassingly places a "Fact Check" interstitial over link to Steve Deace Parler page: In what is surely an embarrassing display for Facebook, it has completely missed the mark in its…
Liz Wheeler
FB post from political commentator Liz Wheeler fact-checked by Lead Stories: Former One America News Network anchor Liz Wheeler posted a video explaining legislation proposed in New York that…
Todd Starnes
Facebook embarrassingly places a "Fact Check" interstitial over link to Todd Starnes Parler page: In what is surely an embarrassing display for Facebook, it has completely missed the mark in its…
Renae Lee
Facebook fact checks video "Election Night Errors - How Did That Happen" with data scientist analysis: A Twitter user complained that she got a fact check warning when she attempted to share a video…
Brad Troemel
Meme saying Biden's '94 crime bill led to mass incarceration of black Americans labeled 'False' by fact-checkers: A meme posted to Instagram by artist Brad Troemel, which called out Joe Biden's '94…
Heart Centred Warriors
Video of 33 Medical Professionals marked as False, Fact-Checker cites its own Medical Experts as evidence: A video of 33 medical professionals discussing their opinions about COVID-19, …
The Federalist
Facebook fact-checks a Federalist article fact-checking a fact-check, of course: Conservative outlet The Federalist posted one of its articles on its Facebook page, and received a fact-check for it.…
Donald J. Trump
Instagram slaps Warning Label/Fact-Check on President Trump's Pearl Harbor remembrance post then removes it after public outcry: A fact-check/warning label stating "Joe Biden is the projected…
Courtney Holland
Instagram post from conservative activist Courtney Holland hit with fact-check for 'missing context': Holland posted a video on Instagram of Joe Biden saying, "We have put together – I think – the…