Mark Zuckerberg

Autumn Johnson | October 27, 2022

A reckoning seems to have come for Meta after CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s recent admission that the FBI pressured Facebook to censor in the leadup to the 2020 elections. Meta ultimately censored the Hunter Biden laptop story following pressure from the…

Paiten Iselin | October 20, 2022

The U.S. midterm elections are just around the corner and the legacy media have donned their activist hats. The liberal media have been calling on social media platforms to more actively combat so-called “misinformation” online.


Joseph Vazquez | October 14, 2022

Liberal billionaire George Soros funded groups that are now urging the heads of major Big Tech platforms to step up their censorship just before the 2022 midterm elections.

The Soros-funded Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights…

Paiten Iselin | October 13, 2022

Legacy media, Big Tech and government agencies are trying to control the election narrative – again.

On this week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, we looked at CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s suggestions that Big Tech censorship had a…

Joseph Vazquez | October 13, 2022

At least two executives at Meta (parent company of Facebook) were accused of participating in a bribery scheme to help elevate the reach of OnlyFans, a company notorious for porn.

A newly revealed court filing exposed two Facebook…

Autumn Johnson | October 9, 2022

A conservative legal group is suing the FBI for concealing federal documents pertaining to alleged government collusion with Big Tech to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.

America First Legal (AFL), the plaintiff in the suit, said in…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2022

Social media influencer An0maly has had it with the leftist social media fact-checkers and decided it was about time to put their ‘evil’ operations on blast in a new documentary.

An0maly’s “MINI DOCUMENTARY” ripped Facebook fact-checking…

NB Staff | September 7, 2022

Two liberal rags pooh-poohed a letter sent Thursday by House Republicans to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg that seeks more information from Facebook about its communication with the federal government that led to censorship of the Hunter Biden…

Catherine Salgado | August 29, 2022

Collusion between government and Big Tech goes deeper than Joe Biden’s incompetence. The FBI reportedly responded to the revelation it pressured Facebook to censor during the 2020 election by saying that the agency “routinely” works with social…

Catherine Salgado | July 25, 2022

The Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg-backed Summit Learning platform suggested to educators that they listen in on parents’ “online conversations.”

Fox News reported that the Zuckerberg-backed Summit Learning told schools to “listen” in public…

Joseph Vazquez | June 25, 2022

The New York Times is whining that Big Tech won’t be focused on eliminating “election misinformation” during the 2022 midterms.

The Times published a pathetic sob story headlined, “As Midterms Loom, Elections Are No Longer Top Priority…

Joseph Vazquez | June 23, 2022

The oligarchs on Facebook’s oversight board released their first annual report, shedding light on the company’s bloated censorship operation.

The Meta Oversight Board’s annual report revealed it received “more than a million appeals” on…

Big Tech’s campaign to protect President Joe Biden and his agenda has continued unabated. The Media Research Center found more than 640 examples of bans, deleted content and other speech restrictions placed on those who criticized Biden on social…

Brian Bradley | April 20, 2022

Twitter and Facebook worked in lockstep to restrict the flow of the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 presidential election. These platforms stifled the spread of that story at the same time that Big Media did, as MRC research found…

Joseph Vazquez | April 7, 2022

It seems like terrible public relations for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to publicly refer to himself as the Dark Lord of Mordor while running one of the internet’s largest censorship operations.

Zuckerberg joined The Tim Ferriss Show on…

Alexander Hall | March 2, 2022

An election integrity probe reportedly found that a nonprofit funded by Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg swayed the 2020 election “in violation of Wisconsin law.” 

Could this be the scandal that shakes up America’s electoral…

Autumn Johnson | January 1, 2022

Two writers at the Wall Street Journal argue that more states should ban private funding for elections.

Tarren Bragdon and Joe Horvath, CEO and state government affairs director at the Foundation for Government Accountability,…

Catherine Salgado | December 30, 2021

Facebook has done everything since “whistleblower” Frances Haugen’s revelations except apologize. The company changed its name, denied massive problems, and reportedly even sold different narratives to politicians from different ends of the…

Brian Bradley | December 16, 2021

Big Tech and social media platforms censored conservatives in 2021 with a ruthlessness and standardization never seen before.

Silicon Valley Big Tech giants like Twitter and Facebook appear to have adopted an explicit policy to suppress…

Joseph Vazquez | October 22, 2021

One of the most notorious liberal billionaire mega-donors in the United States is reportedly aiding Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, who advocated for more Big Tech censorship.

Pierre Omidyar — the founder of eBay — is using his…