Mark Zuckerberg

Autumn Johnson | October 19, 2021

On Tuesday, Facebook announced Tuesday that it will soon be making changes to its “News Tab.”

The move came after the tech giant originally said in January that it would make the News Tab “less political.”


Catherine Salgado | October 11, 2021

In a new video, One America News’s Justine Murray blasted Facebook and “Tzar Zuckerberg” for censoring conservative free speech while allowing sexual exploiters to use and abuse Facebook and its users.

Murray filmed a video accusing Big…

Alec Schemmel | September 21, 2021

Big Tech overwhelmingly censors Republican members of Congress by a rate of 53-to-1 compared to congressional Democrats.

That censorship has hit Republican Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Ron Johnson (WI), Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) and other…

Alexander Hall | September 15, 2021

Americans have become quite suspicious of Big Tech’s influence. A recent survey reported on by Breitbart News revealed that three-quarters of American citizens believe that Big Tech companies avoid regulation by using their power to influence…

Autumn Johnson | August 26, 2021

Facebook is reportedly creating an election commission to weigh in on political affairs across the globe, according to The New York Times.

The commission is expected to be announced just in time for the 2022 midterm elections in the…

Alec Schemmel | August 26, 2021

Twitter’s decision to ban “the alleged dictator of America, Donald Trump,” from its platform is startling in light of how the platform has treated accounts run by actual dictatorships like the Taliban and the Chinese Communist Party.


Autumn Johnson | August 24, 2021

Leftist journalists appear to be setting their sights on Facebook after the platform allegedly shelved a controversial report from 2021’s first-quarter.

Facebook was accused of deliberately hiding its first-quarter report from the public…

Autumn Johnson | August 19, 2021

Facebook is taking action after pressure from the White House. The Biden administration blamed the platform for the majority of coronavirus “misinformation.”

The news comes after the White House blamed accounts on the platform for…

Gabriela Pariseau | August 19, 2021

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told CBS This Morning host Gayle King that his platform has removed over 18 million pieces of so-called “misinformation,” but King appeared to want more. She pressed Zuckerberg to reveal how many people view the…

Autumn Johnson | August 18, 2021

"Why Trump's banned and the Taliban aren't: they play by the rules." Such was the absurd comment tweeted by Technology Policy Editor of The Washington Post Mark Seibel.

Facebook has issued a blanket ban on the Taliban…

Autumn Johnson | August 8, 2021

At least eight GOP-controlled states have passed bans on donations to election offices in order to deter Big Tech influence. 

Last year, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg donated $400 million to election offices during the…

NB Staff | July 22, 2021

Over 40 conservative leaders have signed on to an open letter led by Media Research Center President L. Brent Bozell in calling on the federal government to cease its collusion with Big Tech. 

The open letter was first published as a…

Kayla Sargent | July 8, 2021

Big Tech has made a habit out of silencing conservatives for too long, but former President Donald Trump decided to fight back, launching lawsuits against Facebook, Twitter and Google. 

Trump put Big Tech on blast in an op-ed for The…

Kayla Sargent | July 7, 2021

Big Tech corporations have a notorious history of silencing conservatives on social media platforms, but their tyrannical practice of censoring opinions that they disagree with may come back to haunt them. Former President Donald Trump has…

Alec Schemmel | July 1, 2021

The Facebook Oversight Board is once again changing how it operates. The pseudo-regulatory body has decided to take up a case entailing not only the removal, but also the reinstatement, of a pro-Hamas post originating from the verified page of…

Alec Schemmel | June 28, 2021

Facebook continues to allow China to lie to the world about its human rights violations against Uyghurs, while simultaneously banning the former president of the United States from its platform.

Experts in the fields of tech policy, human…

Alec Schemmel | June 16, 2021

Conservative lawmakers condemned Facebook for censoring former President Donald Trump while simultaneously allowing the Chinese Communist Party to post propaganda freely on its platform.

When asked for their reaction to a Media Research…

Alec Schemmel | June 11, 2021

Facebook has officially teamed up with an organization known to push Chinese propaganda in order to shut down online skepticism about COVID-19 vaccines.

Facebook and multinational biopharmaceutical company Merck & Co., Inc. announced…

Casey Ryan | June 3, 2021

Big Tech continued to silence Americans and conservative politicians who disagreed with the woke elite ruling class in May. Facebook and YouTube made it especially clear that they are willing to work tirelessly to censor the people attempting to…

Alec Schemmel | June 2, 2021

Facebook has had no reservations about censoring conservative accounts. Yet, it allows accounts of state-controlled propaganda outlets from the genocidal regime of China to flourish. Forty accounts on Facebook, amassing over 751 million followers…