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Sam Dorman | May 18, 2016

PETA is at it again, getting down and dirty with its activism.

In a “Behind the Leather” video, PETA showed customers shopping for leather products, only to find grisly insides. The anti-leather products stunt was an effort to…

Aly Nielsen | May 17, 2016

Liberal actor and climate alarmist Mark Ruffalo is scaring Flint residents into not bathing or washing their hands, without cause.

Virginia Tech professor Dr. Marc Edwards ripped Ruffalo as an “A-List Actor But F-List Scientist…

Sam Dorman | May 16, 2016

The Huffington Post is freaking out over climate change, and wants to figure out why most people aren’t.

“CLIMATE IN CRISIS,” HuffPo blared the headline on May 16. In addition to that all caps header, the homepage…

Sam Dorman | May 13, 2016

CNBC anchors Joe Kernen and Michelle Caruso Cabrera poked fun at socialism, saying it equalized results, but made everything worse.

Cabrera said on Squawk Box May 12, that socialism brought about “equal suffering,” while…

Aly Nielsen | May 12, 2016

Eleven days after a raging forest fire forced the entire town of Fort McMurray to evacuate, there is still no timeline for the displaced families to return home. The media, however, have been busy using the tragedy as yet another opportunity to…

Julia A. Seymour | May 12, 2016

The global warming alarmists in the liberal media always latch on to events and blame them on climate change. It’s their regular M.O. But recent reports claiming climate…

Aly Nielsen | May 10, 2016

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may argue that he’s a conservative, but his latest appointee comes from the ranks of former Soros employees. While that move might be a sticking point on the right, ABC, CBS and NBC…

Sam Dorman | May 10, 2016

Donald Trump’s rise as a presidential candidate has prompted many political observers to blame TV outlets for giving him historic amounts of free air time. While it…

Sam Dorman | May 3, 2016

Buffett executive Charlie Munger ridiculed the prospect of Trump and Cruz nominations during a CNBC appearance, by comparing their campaigns to a hopeless charge made during the Crimean War.

His comments came in response to Squawk Box…

Sam Dorman | May 2, 2016

The U.S. economy slowed down so much last quarter that even Europe’s economy grew faster. But if you just watched the broadcast networks’ and Hispanic media’s evening news programs, you wouldn’t have known that.

Sam Dorman | April 28, 2016

The co-founder of one of America’s most liberal news sites just took a position on Uber’s board of directors.

In an April 27, 2016, article, co-founder of the Huffington Post Arianna Huffington explained her decision to join…

Julia A. Seymour | April 28, 2016

Is the catastrophic global warming the media, the United Nations, alarmists scientists and celebrities have been warning about for years all a big “hustle”?

Decide for yourself after watching CFACT’s new documentary film…

Sam Dorman | April 27, 2016

Progressives kowtowed to the Pope after he commented on climate change and homosexuality. But one liberal activist in the entertainment industry thought he left an important cause unplowed: cow poop.

Russell Simmons, the so-called “…

Julia A. Seymour | April 22, 2016

Galileo, the famous Italian astronomer and scientist, once said, “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single…

Sam Dorman | April 18, 2016

Liberalism already pollutes the ecosystem of American media: TV shows, movies, books, etc. Now, a popular trivia game is inundating its gamers with environmentalism.

The heavily downloaded mobile app Trivia Crack recently announced it…

Julia A. Seymour | April 15, 2016

The MRC has spent many years documenting the liberal media’s bias towards climate alarmism, from warnings of an “inevitable” ice age, to misreporting 2014 as the “hottest year” on record.

Aly Nielsen | April 14, 2016

With the federal tax deadline moved to April 18 this year, people have an extra three days to procrastinate on their 2015 returns.

Even with this extension, Americans will still have to work on average another six days before reaching Tax…

Aly Nielsen | April 13, 2016

Since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling in 2010, the broadcast networks have been whining about corporate influence in politics — but not right now.

The media often attack the conservative Koch brothers for “…

Sam Dorman | April 7, 2016

The transgender CEO of United Therapeutics said the company disapproved of North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law, which CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin described as “anti-LGBT.”

 Squawk Box host Sorkin asked CEO…

Aly Nielsen | April 7, 2016

Climate alarmists love flaunting “extreme” weather predictions to instill fear in the hearts of skeptics, but a new study deals yet another devastating blow to those predictions’ reliability.

Researchers at Stockholm…