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The transgender CEO of United Therapeutics said the company disapproved of North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law, which CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin described as “anti-LGBT.”

 Squawk Box host Sorkin asked CEO Martine Rothblatt on April 7, 2016, about the state’s new law restricting transgender access to bathrooms of their choosing. Rothblatt reported that United Therapeutics opposed the law, and expressed confidence that legislation would move in a “progressive direction.”

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“You have a facility in Research Triangle Park in Durham, and there is a huge debate right now about the anti-LGBT legislation out there. What are you doing on that front?” Sorkin asked.

Rothblatt said that they joined with technology companies IBM and Red Hat to express “disappointment” with the government action.

Rothblatt founded Sirius Satellite Radio, and founded a “trans” religion in 2004 called Terasem. In the book The Apartheid of Sex, Rothblatt reportedly wrote, “There are five billion people in the world and five billion unique sexual identities.”