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Mira Ebersole | July 12, 2016

While radical environmentalists jointly claim greenhouse gases and fossil fuels such as oil and coal are responsible for global warming and endangering the planet, there is strong disagreement among them about what energy sources are acceptable…

Sam Dorman | July 11, 2016

Media coverage put a Republican face to the water crisis in Flint. The broader story on lead contamination revealed that Democratic mayors vastly outnumbered Republicans in cities with lead testing problems.

The Flint crisis gained…

Aly Nielsen | July 8, 2016

The left’s dedication to “disclosure and campaign finance laws” is nothing more than an attempt to “silence those who question them,” according to a new book by Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel.…

Sam Dorman | July 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s proposal to spend $350 billion on “affordable” tuition may have been outrageous, but at least it provoked some poignant comments on the pitfalls of big government.

On July 6, Clinton proposed…

Mira Ebersole | July 7, 2016

Some high-powered celebrities are joining the fight against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) alongside digital advocacy group Fight for the Future.

Fight for the Future is organizing a series of summer events, including protests and…

Aly Nielsen | July 1, 2016

Sometimes you just have to bite the hand that feeds you. Open Society Foundations, the group backed by liberal billionaire George Soros, was ranked the least transparent think tank in the United States by a group it funds.

Transparify, a…

Mira Ebersole | July 1, 2016

Although the liberal media often turn to critics of genetically modified foods, a group of award-winning scientists not only affirmed the safety of GMO foods, they criticized Greenpeace for “obstruction.”

More than 100 Nobel…

Aly Nielsen | June 30, 2016

If you’re taking advantage of the extended Independence Day weekend to embark on a road trip, you’ll be filling up the tank.

If you are researching prices to see just how much your trip will cost, have you thought about which…

Mira Ebersole | June 29, 2016

The environmental group WildAid claims livestock is a main cause of greenhouse gas emissions so it is targeting China, calling on people to reduce their carbon footprints by rejecting meat.

They’ve recruited some star power to push…

Aly Nielsen, Sam Dorman | June 27, 2016

Democracy is all well and good, until the outcome of a popular vote is unpopular with the liberal media.

The people of the United Kingdom voted on June 23, to leave the European Union. The  broadcast news programs tried their own…

Julia A. Seymour | June 24, 2016

Reacting to the shocking news of Great Britain’s decision to exit the European Union, UK-born Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney responded to “fearmongering…

Elliot Polsky | June 24, 2016

Who needs sources when you need a crisis?

BBC fanned Brexit fears this morning when it falsely reported that, according to “sources within Morgan Stanley,” the giant bank would be shipping 2,000 jobs to the EU in…

Aly Nielsen | June 24, 2016

In a vote heard ‘round the world, Britain chose to declare its own sovereignty and leave the European Union.

Prior to the vote, liberal billionaire George Soros spoke out against Britain leaving the EU, but…

Sam Dorman | June 24, 2016

Warning: Story includes explicit content. The UK’s surprising decision to exit the European Union brought out typical sneering from journalists, as well as warnings that the decision would bring gloom and doom to the country.

Mira Ebersole | June 24, 2016

Shocking the whole world, the British people voted on June 23, to leave the European Union — a move nicknamed Brexit.

Unexpectedly, the Leave voters won 52 to 48 percent. Although there was much anger at the decision, there were…

Sam Dorman | June 23, 2016

Just before the UK’s vote regarding whether it should remain in the European Union (EU), National Public Radio aired three stories on Brexit on one program. All the stories were biased against leaving the EU.

The left-leaning,…

Mira Ebersole | June 22, 2016

Hundreds of British actors and celebrities are clamoring for Great Britain to remain part of the European Union when the nation votes this week. That’s in direct opposition to the view of many conservatives on both sides of the pond. Either…

Sam Dorman | June 20, 2016

According to Huffington Post, the Grand Old Party will become the Dead Old Party at the 2016 Republican convention in Cleveland. Cause of death? Support for presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

Taking plenty of shots at the GOP, historian…

Sam Dorman | June 16, 2016

The Federal Reserve announced it wouldn’t raise interest rates, in part due to poor employment growth and economic “headwinds.” Two out of the three broadcast networks ignored the decision.

Federal Reserve…

Mira Ebersole | June 16, 2016

Following the Labor Department’s disappointing report that only 38,000 jobs were added in May, the Federal Reserve decided on June 15, 2016, they would not raise interest rates.

CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen reacted to the…