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Mira Ebersole | August 4, 2016

Daniel Tosh, host of Comedy Central’s Tosh.0  is known for his irreverent and sometimes controversial comedic style. A few years ago, he was criticized for joking about rape.

However, the topics from his Aug. 2, show won’…

Aly Nielsen | August 3, 2016

When Democrats unveiled their new party platform at the DNC, it read like the mission statement from Tom Steyer’s NextGen Climate PAC.

The Energy & Environment Legal Institute first identified the similarities in a July 25…

Sam Dorman | August 3, 2016

NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt disputed the notion that his network was responsible for Donald Trump nabbing the republican presidential nomination.

"There's really not that much of a correlation between one and the…

Mira Ebersole | August 2, 2016

Food is so scarce in Venezuela that last week a group of starving people broke into a zoo and killed a horse for food. Burdened by government regulations, Venezuela’s economic crisis and its food shortage are forcing many people to leave…

Julia A. Seymour | August 2, 2016

The U.S. economy “sputtered” again in the second quarter, according to The Wall Street Journal. However, that “disappointing” economic news, coming on…

Mira Ebersole | August 2, 2016

Venezuela’s economy continues to deteriorate under the rule of its socialist president Nicolas Maduro. The collapsing economy, combined with government regulations and price controls created a food shortage so severe some have taken drastic…

Aly Nielsen | August 1, 2016

​Social media, especially Twitter, is playing a large role in the 2016 presidential election. Though Trump has 2 million more Twitter followers than Clinton, Hollywood celebrities on Twitter have handed Clinton a major advantage.


Mira Ebersole | July 29, 2016

CNBC’s business news coverage took a humorous turn when Squawk Box anchors Joe Kernen and Andrew Ross Sorkin’s conversation turned to social media. 

On July 27, after reporting that Twitter shares were down following a…

Mira Ebersole | July 28, 2016

The Democratic National Convention would not be complete without a group of liberal Hollywood celebrities anxiously warning that humans are threatening the planet.

Avatar director and eco-hypocrite James Cameron premiered his short…

Julia A. Seymour | July 27, 2016

With all eyes on the Democratic National Convention, the liberal media’s affection for Hillary Clinton has been laughably obvious. That extended to media websites.…

Aly Nielsen | July 27, 2016


America’s wealthiest media mogul calls himself a “moderate” businessman, but his money and media empire tell the story of a self-absorbed liberal intent on influencing the 2016 election.

Michael Bloomberg…

Sam Dorman | July 25, 2016

One of the journalists exposed exchanging emails with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the latest Wikileak was Politico’s Chief Investigative Reporter Ken Vogel, who formerly worked for a Soros-funded group.


Julia A. Seymour | July 25, 2016

They call it a comeback.

It is true, the U.S. economy is no longer in the depths of what has been called “The Great Recession.” But, in many ways…

Mira Ebersole | July 22, 2016

On the eve of the Democratic convention, CNBC’s Joe Kernen wanted to know why the media have failed to challenge Hillary Clinton on the issue of her personal wealth and the controversy surrounding the Clinton Foundation.

Kernen, a…

Sam Dorman | July 20, 2016

The 2016 Republican National Convention brought the radical, left-wing fringe out in Cleveland, and some of the groups’ ideas were downright ridiculous.

1. State-Run Media

In something that looked like an excerpt from Orwell…

Mira Ebersole | July 20, 2016

Baywatch star Pamela Anderson is part of the latest anti-salmon farming campaign with an organization helmed by a man who has argued that the global population should be reduced by several billion people.

Anderson, already on the board of…

Sam Dorman | July 15, 2016

The media exuded panic surrounding the vote for the U.K. to leave the European Union, commonly called Brexit. Reports after the vote panicked over how much markets had fallen, worried about a potential recession for the UK and otherwise attacked…

Mira Ebersole | July 13, 2016

Although he is frequently attacked by the mainstream media, Rush Limbaugh’s conservative radio show continues to flourish and maintain an audience of loyal followers.

The radio show host’s $79 million income earned him the…

Sam Dorman | July 13, 2016

Donald Trump officially launched his presidential bid in 2016, but according to an NBC producer Trump campaigned years beforehand on the network.

For years, Trump campaigned on NBC and CBS late night shows reiterating talking points…

Mira Ebersole | July 12, 2016

Flaming tap water made for compelling imagery and anti-fracking activists and news media used it to make drilling for natural gas look dangerous.

But a new study reported by the Denver Post further undermined such claims.

A recent…