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One of the journalists exposed exchanging emails with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the latest Wikileak was Politico’s Chief Investigative Reporter Ken Vogel, who formerly worked for a Soros-funded group.

According to an email chain obtained and made public by Wikileaks, Vogel sent the DNC a preview copy of an article he wrote critical of the Hillary Clinton campaign. His article suggested the Clinton campaign improperly directed campaign funds to the DNC rather than to state party committees.

Before Vogel went to work for Politico he worked for the Center for Public Integrity, a group that received generous financial support from the left-wing billionaire George Soros. While working at CPI he co-wrote an award-winning article about the lack of ethics oversight in state governments and highlighted the important role the media played in holding politicians accountable.

MRC Business found that from 2000 to 2014, Soros gave $4,424,043 to CPI — Vogel’s former employer. Vogel, according to a Linkedin profile bearing his name and picture, worked at CPI for more than a year from 1999 and 2000.

According to the Huffington Post, Vogel made a name for himself reporting on money and politics. Politico made him its Chief Investigative Reporter and in 2014 he published a book criticizing money’s influence on politics.

The only thing that would be more ironic for the liberal journalist would have been a book about journalism ethics. Since the leaked email became public knowledge, Politico was forced to admit it was a “mistake.”

Politico spokesman Brad Dayspring downplayed the offense telling The Huffington Post “there were no substantive changes to the piece” and that Vogel was “attempting to check some very technical language and figures.” Dayspring did admit sharing the full article was a “mistake and not consistent with our policies.”

Several years ago, in 2011, Vogel posted an offensive tweet about conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In it, he said Thomas had a “porn affinity.”

“Know who's probably loving #Weinergate? Clarence Thomas,” Vogel tweeted. “In fact, given his porn affinity, I'm surprised Weiner hasn't blamed the Justice.”

Tell the Truth 2016