Huffington Post

Paiten Iselin | February 20, 2023

You could be losing free speech online and not even know it. That’s the danger of the type of censorship recently uncovered by the Washington Examiner.

On this week's episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, we looked at the George Soros-tied…

Joseph Vazquez | November 20, 2020

The notoriously leftist BuzzFeed is reportedly set to purchase the insufferably liberal HuffPost. When it’s over, Verizon Media will have a stake in both.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Buzzfeed acquisition of HuffPost “is…

Joseph Vazquez | August 18, 2020

U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt is set to approve oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Liberals and journalists lost their minds.

The Wall Street Journal reported that “[t]he Trump…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2019

Bloomberg News drew fire earlier this year for making it company policy to not investigate its owner (liberal billionaire 2020 presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg) or his Democratic rivals going into the election. The company said they would…

Joseph Vazquez | November 20, 2019

When the liberal media starts relating their bellyaching over their man-made climate change narrative to an impending “collapse of the information ecosystem,” their propagandizing may have just made the latter a self-fulfilling…

Corinne Weaver | August 27, 2019

A study from Cornell University claims YouTube channels that feature prominent conservative figures are “infecting” users with alt-right beliefs.

“Auditing Radicalization Pathways on YouTube,” written by five academics, concluded that “…

Corinne Weaver | July 26, 2019

Even those who work at Google have noticed the search engine’s unfair tilt towards liberal news outlets. 

Google engineer Greg Coppola, who was suspended by his company for speaking to Project Veritas, published a July 25 post…

Alexander Hall | July 18, 2019

Update: Later on the afternoon after this article was published, CarpeDonktum tweeted that he "received word that @HuffPost has reconsidered their position and no longer intends to print my real name in their publication." He has stated…

Julia A. Seymour | July 9, 2019

No company is safe from the rabid haters of President Donald Trump.

Home Depot was the latest company to be reviled on Twitter and threatened with a hashtag boycott after billionaire co-founder Bernie Marcus expressed support for Trump.…

Alexander Hall | January 23, 2019

A deleted Twitter account that originally posted the edited video of the Covington kids and Nathan Phillips is now under scrutiny and bears a number of suspicious earmarks.

Twitter has banned @2020fight, the account that tweeted the…

Julia A. Seymour | January 22, 2019

HuffPost, your hypocrisy is showing.

As the 2019 World Economic Forum (WEF) meetings began in Davos, Switzerland, the left-wing HuffPost blasted the gathering. This was a complete 180 for the liberal outlet, which has strongly supported…

Julia A. Seymour | October 4, 2018

The absence of “climate change” or “global warming,” from the new United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) frustrated environmentalist groups, according to Huffington Post and EcoWatch. They also complained it…

Julia A. Seymour | August 2, 2018

HuffPost says baby boomers panicked by the popularity of socialism, just need to “relax.”

Senior political economy reporter Zach Carter declared “Socialism is Good Now,” on HuffPost July 29. At the same time,…

Ashley Rae Goldenberg | July 17, 2018

Liberal news sources appear to have a problem with more than just InfoWars: now they’re going after the Daily Caller.

According to The Wall Street Journal, during an off-the-record meeting with Facebook last week, editors from…

Julia A. Seymour | June 27, 2018

It’s clear from MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes’s twitter feed, he was unhappy with the Supreme Court decision that limited the power of public sector unions.

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Mark Janus, a public employee who…

Paul Wilson | April 19, 2018

Celebrity promotion of liberal views are predictable as death and taxes. But these days the media also take these opinions seriously, trying to turn absurdities into news.

The latest example was the media frenzy over a Tweet from Sen.…

Julia A. Seymour | April 18, 2017

Climate Progress founding editor Joe Romm is furious with The New York Times for hiring a person he claims is an “extreme climate science denier.”

James Powers | March 8, 2017

The left’s boycott strategy doesn’t always work.

Since the beginning of February, Ivanka Trump Collection has seen “some of the best performing weeks in the history of the brand" president of Ivanka Trump Collection…

Sam Dorman | January 5, 2017

Climate scientist Dr. Judith Curry has had enough of academics politicizing her field.

She’s leaving academia for the private sector, which she said on Jan. 3, “seems like a more ‘honest’ place for a scientist…

Sam Dorman | January 4, 2017

Now even the price of razors is sexist, according to one Huffington Post UK editor.

Associate Women’s Editor Jenavieve Hatch applauded a British supermarket chain Tesco for lowering the price of women’s razors to that of men…