
Sam Dorman | January 4, 2017

MRC Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor ripped the liberal media for its anti-Trump, pro-Clinton bias.

“There is no neutrality at The New York Times,” Gainor told After the Bell host David Asman before…

Sam Dorman | November 8, 2016

CNBC’s Joe Kernen slammed anti-Trump media bias on Nov. 8, and branded The New York Times as an honorary member of the Clinton campaign.

He joked that The New York Times staff had an “honorary position” in the…

Sam Dorman | November 7, 2016

Leaked emails from the Clinton campaign cast doubts on CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood’s abilities to be an objective reporter when it came to Hillary Clinton.

But after The Hill accused Harwood…

Callista Ring | November 7, 2016

The liberal news media are “trying to carry [Clinton] across the finish line,” according to MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor.

He slammed the media for its pro-Clinton bias on Fox…

Callista Ring | October 31, 2016

The left’s view of the media is riddled with hypocrisy, and Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden is a perfect example.

“The press is psychotic!!!” She wrote in an email to Clinton Campaign Chairman John…

Callista Ring | October 25, 2016

Major networks have downplayed Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server, but WikiLeaks revealed how one journalist told her to take it seriously and respond like Kennedy did to the Bay of Pigs disaster.

According to Wikileaks, The…

Sam Dorman, Aly Nielsen | October 21, 2016

It isn’t just the news media censoring viewpoints on climate change anymore.

According to a WikiLeaks email, the left-wing website Think Progress took responsibility for getting a professor ousted from writing at Nate…

Callista Ring | October 18, 2016

The recently leaked trove of emails from Hillary Clinton and her staff, revealed many items of concern including cozy and unethical interactions with the press.

MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor chastised…

Aly Nielsen | October 14, 2016

Among the disturbing WikiLeaks emails was evidence of a liberal agenda to undermine the Catholic faith. And billionaire George Soros is funding much of that agenda.

Sandy Newman, president of liberal Voices for Progress, and John Podesta…

Callista Ring | October 11, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Campaign threw an off the record party and only liberal media were invited, recently leaked emails revealed.

A source identifying himself as Guccifer 2.0 provided The Intercept with emails…

Sam Dorman | July 25, 2016

One of the journalists exposed exchanging emails with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) by the latest Wikileak was Politico’s Chief Investigative Reporter Ken Vogel, who formerly worked for a Soros-funded group.
