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CNBC’s Joe Kernen slammed anti-Trump media bias on Nov. 8, and branded The New York Times as an honorary member of the Clinton campaign.

He joked that The New York Times staff had an “honorary position” in the Clinton campaign.

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That claim came at the end of Kernen criticizing election-day newspapers for having an anti-Trump bias on their front pages. “Do you get anything comparable on the other side?” Kernen asked after holding up the New York Daily News front page which read, “Stop the Don Con.”

Squawk Box discussed other front-page headlines that were either anti-Trump, neutral or pro-Clinton. None of them, however, showed the same negativity towards Clinton as the Daily News did toward Trump. 

“They need to stop this lying, orange, you know fascist,” Kernen said mocking the Daily News’ anti-Trump bias.

Kernen also jabbed CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood after Harwood discussed polls and projections for the outcome of the election. While pointing at Harwood, Kernen suggested that Harwood wouldn’t consider polls that showed Trump winning the presidential race.

“He won’t. Those don’t count,” Kernen said.

Harwood has been a controversial media figure throughout the election, starting with his disastrous performance in the GOP debates. Wikileaks revealed shocking liberal bias from Harwood in emails to Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta.

Through Twitter, Harwood denied allegations that he had too close of a relationship with the Clinton campaign.

His answer came in response to The Hill’s story on wikileaks emails that showed  him communication with the Clinton campaign. A Sept. 21, 2015, email showed Harwood asking the Clinton campaign for advice on what to ask republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush.

“Jeb Bush was still a leading candidate to challenge Hillary Clinton for the White House — and had more money behind him,” The Hill noted.

In a Dec. 8, email with Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta, Harwood also insulted the GOP field and said he agreed with what he imagined President Obama thought of the GOP.

Harwood said he imagined “Obama feels some (sad) vindication at this demonstration of his years-long point about the opposition party veering off the rails.” He added that he felt that way “with respect to how I questioned Trump at our debate.”

Shortly after that email, he moderated the Oct. 28, 2015, Republican primary debate in which he asked then-candidate Donald Trump, “Is this a comic-book version of a presidential campaign?”

Harwood also failed to disclose a conflict of interest when he discussed WikiLeaks on Squawk Box, Oct. 11, 2016. The Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics tells journalists to "Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts."