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Daniel Tosh, host of Comedy Central’s Tosh.0  is known for his irreverent and sometimes controversial comedic style. A few years ago, he was criticized for joking about rape.

However, the topics from his Aug. 2, show won’t attract any negative attention from the liberal media. While interviewing a climate activist and posing as a Fox News host named “Dannity,” Tosh mocked global warming “deniers,” Fox News and Christians.

The show featured speaker Brian Ettling, “the climate change comedian.” Ettling described himself on his blog as “a climate change educator” and wrote, “Climate change is real, dangerous, and threatens to take all the fun out of life.”

Tosh introduced the interview saying, “Like space, being born gay, and the female orgasm, climate change is a myth.” He added, “Yes, the ozone is disappearing, but that's just God trying to see us better.”

In the “Dannity” interview which was an obvious parody of the “Hannity” show on Fox News Channel, he asked Ettling to give proof of global warming, then cut him off and dismissed it as “liberal nonsense.” A Fox News Channel logo was clearly shown in the left hand corner of the screen as the segment began.

Ettling had begun to argue that climate change was more dangerous than ISIS because it causes disease and extreme weather, but “Dannity” interrupted. Feigning outrage he said, “I get it, you’re pro-ISIS.”

After Ettling mentioned he is the only son in his family, Tosh quipped, “So biblically you're the only one of importance in the family. Listen, I didn’t write it, the Bible did.”

By breaking into the interview with “alerts” delivered by a “random, hot conservative blonde,” Tosh continued to insult Fox News viewers. In one of those alerts, the conversation turned to marijuana. As “Dannity,” Tosh said, “I don't mind the smell of it. I just don't like how stupid it makes people. That's my core fan base.”

Other alerts the woman delivered, “Any woman who takes paid maternity leave is a criminal,” and “The Constitution was never intended to protect Muslims.”

Those insults were tame compared to some of Tosh’s previous attacks on conservatives. Besides making fun of pro-lifers, he once had a segment that featured a “beef baby Jesus” made of meat, human feces and semen.