
Tom Olohan | June 20, 2024

The climate change cult is alive and well in legacy media. ABC News’s Good Morning America wants Americans to give up paper towels to “help the planet.” 

During the June 18 edition of Good Morning America, Chief Climate Correspondent…

Joseph Vazquez | June 13, 2024

It’s bad enough when prominent leftist media outlets try to rationalize insane communist ideas in the name of fighting climate change. But it’s downright terrifying when artificial intelligence does it on its own.

MRC Free Speech America…

Joseph Vazquez | June 8, 2024

The list of everyday necessities the climate fanatics at The Washington Post choose to complain about as enemies of Gaia continues to grow at an exponential rate.

The Post threw a fit over the upcoming Olympic Games “taking a farcical…

Tom Olohan | June 7, 2024

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) didn’t hesitate to choose his constituents over a CNN audience. 

During the June 6 edition of The Lead with Jake Tapper, CNN anchor Jake Tapper attempted to guilt trip Youngkin over his decision…

Joseph Vazquez | June 4, 2024

Leftist outlets like The Atlantic seem to have a bad habit of yanking the most insane political ideas out of the ether to make them sound less nutty than they are. Its recent treatment of “degrowth communism” to fight climate change is no…

Joseph Vazquez | May 29, 2024

The New York Times Bidenomics apologist Paul Krugman took a detour from regurgitating his usual awful economic takes — AGAIN — to throw another fit over climate change “denial.”

Krugman decried the “Stench of Climate Change Denial” in his…

Tom Olohan | May 23, 2024

PBS was more than willing to help Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) harass an important American industry during a critical time in the inflation-rattled economy. 

During the May 22 edition of PBS NewsHour, PBS correspondent Lisa…

Tom Olohan | May 2, 2024

After a brutal hearing exposed connections between activist groups and a Biden cabinet official, all three major networks ignored the revelations in their coverage. 

During an April 30 hearing before the House Committee on Natural…

Catherine Salgado | April 26, 2024

MRC researchers caught Google’s biased artificial intelligence chatbot Gemini presenting an argument for censoring so-called climate “misinformation,” while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge any evidence undermining the “mainstream” climate…

Tom Olohan | April 23, 2024

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano spoke out against President Joe Biden’s decisions to slow down American energy production while potentially easing energy sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

On the April 22 edition of Fox Business…

Catherine Salgado | April 23, 2024

Leftist Google displayed its search engine bias yet again on “Earth Day” with a specialized logo and promotion of climate alarmist propaganda.

Users going to Google’s search engine on April 22 noticed a doodle specially designed for Earth…

Christian Baldwin | April 22, 2024

CNN once again exposed that it is in fact an activist organization masquerading as a news outlet with a sappy piece on the “climate crisis.”

On April 22, CNN celebrated “Earth Day” with an editorial piece from chief climate…

Tom Olohan | April 19, 2024

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) called for Biden administration Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to resign following a testy Senate hearing. 

During the April 17 edition of Fox News’s Hannity, Hawley told host Sean Hannity, that…

Tom Olohan | April 4, 2024

Blaze Media CEO and podcast host Glenn Beck called out Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for his wildly manipulative remarks on his boss’s insane electric vehicle push.

During the April 3 edition of Glenn Beck TV, Beck tore into…

Tom Olohan | April 3, 2024

Newsmax host Chris Plante took a look at how woefully unprepared President Joe Biden has left America with his forced green economic transition.

On the April 1 edition of Chris Plante The Right Squad, Plante pointed out that the Biden…

Tom Olohan | March 29, 2024

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh hammered a major television network for trying to sell an unconstitutional Environmental Protection Agency power grab to the American public. 

On the March 27 edition of The Matt Walsh Show, Walsh went…

Tom Olohan | March 25, 2024

Elected officials across the country have condemned President Joe Biden’s EPA for massively overstepping its mandate by forcing electric vehicles (EVs) on the American public.

On the March 20 edition of Mornings with Maria Bartiromo, Sen…

Tom Olohan | March 7, 2024

Gary Gensler, the eco-obsessed Securities and Exchange Commission chair, went on CNBC to make a pathetic attempt to defend a recent, outrageous decision forcing American businesses to make climate change-related disclosures.

While on…

Tom Olohan | February 27, 2024

Despite massive government pressure to force Americans to use electric vehicles (EVs), CBS News recently uncovered that even the most leftist areas are way behind in providing the necessary infrastructure. 

The legacy media network…

Tom Olohan | February 8, 2024

Sky News host Caleb Bond amplified a message from Toyota Chairman Akio Toyoda: Despite constant political pressure from the left, society will not entirely transition to electric cars.

During the Jan. 28 edition of Sky News Australia’s…