
Nicholas Schau | July 13, 2023

“Climate Envoy” John Kerry spouted more eco-extremist nonsense in his trip to the UK, this time to the lefties at MSNBC.

Kerry, in his propaganda-filled interview on Ana Cabrera Reports at MSNBC, alleged that “the science” is indicating…

Joseph Vazquez, Tom Olohan | July 13, 2023


George Soros — one of the world’s most powerful and influential leftist billionaires — finally found an heir to his massive empire. Alex Soros was named the new leader of his father’s $25-billion Open Society…

Tom Olohan | July 6, 2023

A Bloomberg News columnist claims he found a net-zero "bargain" at the estimated low price of nearly eight times the 2022 U.S. GDP.

Researchers at Bloomberg News reportedly predicted that it will take nearly $200 trillion to get the…

Nicholas Schau | June 27, 2023

The ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows ignored BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s hypocritical comments on the term “ESG” and his unwavering support for woke investment principles. 

According to Axios, Fink claimed that he was “ashamed of…

Tom Olohan | June 27, 2023

Bloomberg News’ leftist billionaire owner Michael Bloomberg is once again doubling down on his efforts to devastate the American energy industry. 

Bloomberg took to twitter on June 22 to tout his Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Annual…

Nicholas Schau | June 22, 2023

In another case of celebrities with agendas who try to use their platform to get what they want, singer Rihanna called for Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and World Bank President Ajay Banga to support her radical climate plan.


Nicholas Schau | June 9, 2023

CNN genuflected to leftists’ climate change radicalism by whining about companies around the world doing “almost nothing'' to adhere to nutty environmental, social and governance standards.

Relying on a study by ESG Book, a woke advocacy…

Nicholas Schau | June 2, 2023

The New York Times’s insufferable economics writer Paul Krugman absurdly accused Texas GOP lawmakers of being plagued with “anti-woke mind virus” simply because they’re signaling favor for fossil fuels over green energy pipe dreams. …

The Associated Press has been running wild with leftist climate change propaganda while being paid millions by eco-extremist organizations. And yet AP still has the audacity to pretend it's engaging in objective reporting. 


Joseph Vazquez | May 2, 2023

USA Today is raising the eco-warrior cry over the new “battleground” in the fight against the climate bogeyman: Americans’ lawns. 

No, we’re not kidding. 

The liberal newspaper doom mongered how “[g]as leaf blowers and…

Tom Olohan | April 25, 2023

Bloomberg LP is taking an outrageous victory lap by celebrating the pressure campaign it launched to infect corporate America with woke environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards. 

Bloomberg LP released its 2022 Impact…

Luis Cornelio | April 17, 2023

The leftist U.K. outlet BBC News actually found the space to promote climate "ninjas" fighting the woke fight against climate change as a serious news item.

BBC ran a leftist feature highlighting the so-called “Team Ninja Trollhunters”…

Joseph Vazquez | March 20, 2023

The Associated Press attempted to blame Twitter owner Elon Musk and “pro-Russian” Twitter accounts for Americans’ distrust of  Big Daddy Government and liberal media gaslighting about the toxic Ohio train disaster. Talk about a ridiculous…

Joseph Vazquez | March 7, 2023

Corporate America has fomented a culture that's so drunk on environmental, social and governance standards that a CEO stating the obvious on CNBC about the ongoing necessity of oil and gas actually seems profound.

Hess Corporation CEO…

Joseph Vazquez | March 1, 2023

Energy journalist Robert Bryce blasted the liberal media for bypassing the nefarious agenda of the “anti-industry” movement in a new report detailing the billions that go towards crushing American capitalism and success. 


Joseph Vazquez | February 28, 2023

Politico is apparently suffering from a bout with confusion. The liberal outlet is floating “sav[ing] the planet” by blocking — *checks notes* — the thing that literally gives the planet life.

Politico ran a headline promoting the mad…

Joseph Vazquez | February 24, 2023

PolitiFact admitted that former President Donald Trump’s deregulation of an Obama-era rule didn’t have any impact on the Ohio train disaster, despite the media blather insinuating the contrary.

The leftist fact-checker conceded Feb. 17…

Joseph Vazquez | February 23, 2023

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen ripped the meaningless political theater by woke CEOs who pontificate about renewable energy to fight climate change but have no real sense as to how to fully transition away from fossil fuels.

United Airlines CEO…

Joseph Vazquez | February 22, 2023

Want to fight global warming? Start rationing like Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers” is promoting.

British publication The Times ran one of the nuttiest…

Joseph Vazquez | February 21, 2023

The Washington Post’s in-house cry-bully Taylor Lorenz made a hysterical attempt to blame capitalism and climate change for child depression.

The Post columnist tried to wokescold the Twitterverse with her theory on the supposed true…