
Tom Olohan | October 3, 2023

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano went on FOX and Friends Weekend to warn Americans that French climate radicalism will not stay in France. 

Morano raised the alarm about an extremist climate bill being pushed in European countries…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2023

Media mogul and failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is not letting up on his years-long obsession with putting the nails in the coffin on the U.S. coal industry.

The Bloomberg News owner pledged another $500 million to “…

Tom Olohan | September 20, 2023

Conservative radio host Mark Levin lambasted California Gov. Gavin Newsom and other Democrats after the governor went on CNN to bleat about his shakedown of the oil industry.

During the Sept. 19 edition of The Mark Levin Show, Levin…

Joseph Vazquez | September 18, 2023

The New York Times seems to get a kick out of pushing hubris-riddled blather normalizing the ridiculous notion that governments can control Mother Nature to fight climate change.

A Sept. 14 Times guest essay whined that switching to…

Tom Olohan | September 15, 2023

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh ripped Apple for debuting a video bragging about its achievements to “Mother Nature” – a move he says possibly tops even Bud Light's woke advertising. 

Walsh responded to an embarrassing video posted…

Tom Olohan | September 7, 2023

Dan Bongino was fired up as he responded to an article detailing present and future restrictions on Americans’ freedom and quality of life. 

On the September 5 edition of The Dan Bongino Show, Bongino shared a Wall Street Journal…

Tom Olohan | August 30, 2023

In response to new energy regulations from the Biden administration, Mark Levin pointed out the endgame of present and past restrictions on American energy and conveniences. 

Levin blasted regulations designed to limit offshore…

Tom Olohan | August 28, 2023

Dan Bongino was not willing to stand by and ignore the massive contrast between Joe Biden’s statements on the economy and the actions and fruits of his administration’s policies. 

During the August 28th edition of The Dan Bongino…

Tom Olohan | August 24, 2023

Former President Donald Trump went after the reduced quality of life and narrowed choices that accompany environmentalist proposals hard last night. 

Trump skipped the Republican primary debate Wednesday and sat down with podcast…

Tom Olohan | August 22, 2023

Conservative radio host Mark Levin eviscerated radical activists and local and state government in the wake of a disastrous Hawaii wildfires. 

Levin drew attention to the leftist narrative on the Maui wildfires. “The sickening…

Joseph Vazquez | August 21, 2023

The New York Times took eco-sensationalism to a new level by making couples planning summer weddings out to be victims of … climate change.

The Times’s headline read like a piece of poorly written satire: “‘It Was Pretty Miserable’:…

Tom Olohan | August 17, 2023

Joe Rogan shredded the radical proposals of “climate change” activists on his show, letting viewers know that they are not only draconian, but fundamentally useless.

During the August 16 edition of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe…

Joseph Vazquez | August 8, 2023

It’s imbecilic for The Associated Press to act like any person with common sense would take its screeching about “human-caused climate change” seriously now after being paid millions to spread eco-propaganda.

AP’s climate “writer” Seth…

Tom Olohan | August 3, 2023

A reporter for The Washington Post went after Republicans for a surprising reason, a Republican proposal to plant a trillion trees. 

In an August 2 article, Post reporter Maxine Joselow juxtaposed suggestions by…

Tom Olohan | August 2, 2023

Bloomberg News clearly didn’t see any issue with celebrating foreign governments forcing businesses to adopt woke ESG standards while failing to mention that its own parent company is doing the same thing. 

Bloomberg News celebrated…

Tom Olohan | August 1, 2023

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy broke down some of the insidious abuses of the push for ESG investing on Fox Business last week.

During a July 28th appearance on Making Money with Charles Payne, Ramaswamy explained how…

Joseph Vazquez | July 19, 2023

The New York Times' blowhard economics writer Paul Krugman apparently didn’t sense the stupidity in pontificating to readers about the supposed need to “politicize” the weather. Yes, you read that right.

Krugman took a pit stop from…

Tom Olohan | July 18, 2023

A climate change alarmist took to The New York Times opinion section to argue that a partnership with communist China was essential to transforming the American energy industry into a green utopia.

Robinson Meyer, founding editor of…

Nicholas Schau | July 18, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris committed a terrifying gaffe while talking about climate change on July 14, and NBC's, CBS's and ABC's evening news shows failed to cover her colossal mistake.

In her July 14 speech at Coppin State University…

Joseph Vazquez | July 13, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell joined Fox Business to unveil a new study unearthing the unhinged radicalism of leftist billionaire George Soros’ newly crowned heir to his $25 billion-dollar empire.

“George Soros has always been…