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The New York Times took eco-sensationalism to a new level by making couples planning summer weddings out to be victims of … climate change.

The Timess headline read like a piece of poorly written satire: “‘It Was Pretty Miserable’: Planning a Wedding Amid Climate Change.” Couples planning summer weddings, according to The Times propaganda, “have had to contend with a slate of extreme weather conditions, from flooding and unrelenting heat to poor air quality.” The leftist rag made it seem like couples are getting hitched with Judgment Day right around the corner: “This summer’s record-breaking weather has tested the entire wedding industry on how to adapt to a changing climate.”

Never mind the fact that high temperatures are generically “always something to be aware of when deciding on a summer wedding,” according to Bridal Guide Magazine. “Besides the bride losing her full-face coverage, heat is distracting and can be difficult to deal with when it comes down to guests.” But for The Times, it was as if the cons of outdoor summer weddings were a recent phenomenon that could only be attributed to the shenanigans of South Park’s ManBearPig:

Extreme weather — and heat in particular — now factors into almost every aspect of summer wedding planning, from picking flowers that won’t wilt (no hydrangeas) to choosing a cake frosting that won’t melt (no buttercream).

The Times kicked off its agitprop by exploiting the plight of a couple who wanted to get married outside in July in Phoenix, Arizona to make them a case study of how climate change can put a damper on the wedding bells. “Mr. Boggler, 47, and Ms. Wall, 41, had rented a tent to keep their guests cool and decided to test it out with three air-conditioning units running, but the temperature inside the tent wouldn’t dip below 93 degrees.” The newspaper would later mourn how “[f]all and spring may soon replace summer as the peak wedding season.” [Emphasis added.]

But here’s the problem: Summer isn’t even considered to be peak wedding season for Phoenix, since it's located within the Southwest. According to Brides magazine, “spring and fall are typically considered peak wedding season [in the South, Midwest and Southwest], as temperatures are comfortable compared to the sometimes sweltering heat of July and August.” In fact, both July and August “are considered off-peak months” in those regions.  [Emphasis added.] 

The Times even cited a wedding planner from Atlanta, Georgia — which is located in Southern USA — who stated that “she didn’t have a single client this summer who opted for a wedding outside.” Oh the horror of air-conditioned indoor weddings in the South!

But we should expect nothing less from the same eco-crazed newspaper that recently claimed that climate change could signal the “End of the Summer Vacation as We Know It.”

Newsflash for The Times: The summer is hot. 

Conservatives are under attack. Contact The New York Times at 800-698-4637 and tell it to quit pushing ridiculous climate change agitprop.