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Mira Ebersole | June 16, 2016

Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss lashed out at ABC over its miniseries about fraudster Bernie Madoff. He specifically complained about the network’s refusal to name banks in Madoff.

“They were afraid [the banks] would sue…

Sam Dorman | June 15, 2016

For one New York Times columnist, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton hasn’t been revolutionary enough in her economic policies.

Times columnist Eduardo Porter complained that Clinton’s economic plan, which…

Julia A. Seymour | June 14, 2016

President Obama threatened to bankrupt the coal industry before he was elected. Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton recently told coal miners she would put a lot of…

Aly Nielsen | June 14, 2016

After the terrorist attack at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning, Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton claimed she was an ally to the LGBT community. But donations to the Clinton Foundation show the Clintons are willing to…

Mira Ebersole | June 10, 2016

The media often cite the Natural Resources Defense Council when covering environmental issues, but one of the group’s founders appears opposed to going “green”’ when it’s near his own back yard.

James Gustave…

Sam Dorman | June 9, 2016

Disney’s CEO apparently doesn’t sing “Hakuna Matata” when reviewing his company’s taxes.

The Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger slammed the U.S. tax system as “ridiculously complex,” and said the…

Sam Dorman | June 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton made herself look like the out-of-touch elitist she is often criticized for being, but rather than reporting that, broadcast networks hyped her “historic” nomination.

When Clinton spoke against income…

Aly Nielsen | June 3, 2016

The latest jobs report was a stunner, falling more than 100,000 jobs short of expectations.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced on June 3, that only 38,000 new jobs were added in May 2016. That was less than one-quarter of the jobs…

Sam Dorman | June 3, 2016

Even when CEO pay drops, liberals whine. The New York Times turned its report on CEO pay into a complaint on inequality and the “large-scale transfer of wealth” it created for rich, white men.

Large corporations, according to…

Mira Ebersole | June 3, 2016

In spite of expectations that 160,000 jobs or more were added in May, the latest jobs report was a shocker showing just 38,000 job gains last month.

CNBC’s Squawk Box panelists reacted live to that surprising Labor Department report…

Sam Dorman | June 2, 2016

Liberals often decry corporate greed, but a new report showed that the largest corporations donated $4.8 billion in charity. Three of the highest donating firms were typical media targets: Exxon, Walmart and Goldman Sachs.   

Mira Ebersole | June 1, 2016

Another Obama administration agency has poured cold water on anti-fracking fears so commonly promoted by the liberal media.

The Federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement announced May…

Mira Ebersole | May 26, 2016

Huffington Post Business seized the opportunity to bash companies in an article about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and diversity.

Huffington Post Executive Editor for Business and Technology Emily Peck’s May 24…

Sam Dorman | May 26, 2016

The CEO of Unilever claims it is “absolutely crucial” to meet temperature targets set by the UN in Paris.

Paul Polman sounded the alarm in a recent interview with the liberal Huffington Post on May 23. He oversees…

Sam Dorman | May 26, 2016

Former Reagan official David Stockman predicted that whoever was elected president in 2016 would “inherit a recession.”

Stockman, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget for President Ronald Reagan, said on May…

Mira Ebersole | May 25, 2016

To mark the 10th anniversary of the release of the film documentary An Inconvenient Truth, May 24, 2016, Participant Media introduced a celebratory campaign with the social media hashtag #AIT10, and the slogan “Share your truth.” It…

Sam Dorman | May 25, 2016

An NBC executive recently agreed with the argument that the network’s promotion of Donald Trump built the foundation for his presidential run.

For more than a decade, NBC amplified Trump’s public presence with hundreds of…

Sam Dorman | May 20, 2016

After activist attorneys general targeted a major oil company and conservative groups for their climate change views, one of the groups hit back hard, publicly accusing the AG’s of abusing their legal authority.

The Competitive…

Aly Nielsen | May 18, 2016

Several liberal media outlets that defend Planned Parenthood and shriek about climate change just received massive grants from a prominent foundation.

The MacArthur Foundation claims its new grants to 12 non-profit media organizations…

Sam Dorman | May 18, 2016

CNBC anchor Joe Kernen on Tuesday tore into the prospect of a socialist president, and knocked young people who he said had a warped view of Bernie Sanders.

Kernen’s comments came in response to a report by political correspondent…