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Aly Nielsen | March 30, 2016

Batman might be fighting Superman at your local cinema, but the movie’s writers and actors are politically united behind the left. Together, they gave $58,000 to liberal PACs and Democrats since 2002, but not a cent to Republicans. Actor…

Aly Nielsen | March 29, 2016

Actor and producer Robert De Niro has bowed to science and withdrawn an anti-vaccination documentary from his Tribeca Film Festival lineup.

NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt spent more than two minutes on March 28 covering De Niro’s…

Julia A. Seymour | March 23, 2016

March Madness 2016 has begun filling up sports bars, lowering office productivity and bringing basketball and non-basketball fans together through friendly betting.

Sam Dorman | March 22, 2016

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen took issue with a colleague’s coverage of protests at a recent Donald Trump rally in Tucson, Arizona.

CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood reported on March 21, that at that rally a Trump…

NB Staff | March 21, 2016

Long-time Media Research Center friend and cartoonist Glenn Foden passed away suddenly yesterday of a brain aneurysm. It was a profound loss to our family and to the…

Aly Nielsen | March 18, 2016

Renewable energy is the future, so the greens and the liberal media keep saying.

But it turns out that a solar energy project in Nevada is creating a lethal solar flux that singes, blinds, and even vaporizes birds. So where’s the…

Julia A. Seymour | March 16, 2016

The liberal news media are spinning President Barack Obama’s supreme court pick Merrick Garland as “moderate,” but Mother Jones indicated that the DC circuit court judge actually leans left on “green”…

Aly Nielsen | March 15, 2016

Imagine if the Koch brothers supported disruptive protests that shut down a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders rally, The broadcast news networks would be tripping over each other to tell the story.

But because it was Soros-funded groups…

Julia A. Seymour | March 14, 2016

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton recently admitted her policies would put a certain group of people out of work, which could cost her support if the liberal…

Aly Nielsen | March 10, 2016

Liberals who think conservative rhetoric is offensive should take a look in the mirror.

On Thursday, liberal Intercept editor Dan Froomkin let loose a vile twitter rant, calling the entire GOP a party of ‘hate, torture and bigotry…

Aly Nielsen | March 10, 2016

If The Huffington Post had written the Declaration of Independence, all people would have the right to life, liberty, and a free supply of tampons.

“Free Tampons should be a human right,” according to Emily Peck, the executive…

Julia A. Seymour | March 9, 2016

When Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri was chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the networks relied on him to warn about the threat of climate change…

Sam Dorman | March 7, 2016

A tense exchange on CNBC suggested Joe Kernen might not trust his colleague John Harwood to ask tough questions when interviewing liberals.

Squawk Box co-host Kernen pressed Harwood, CNBC’s chief Washington correspondent, on whether…

Sam Dorman | March 7, 2016

Journalist and filmmaker Phelim McAleer said Facebook censored him after he challenged anti-drilling activists on his documentary’s social media site.

McAleer issued a press release on March 7, claiming Facebook suspended the…

Julia A. Seymour | March 5, 2016

In six seasons, Downton Abbey — the English drama that takes place from 1912 to 1925— has captured millions of American viewers and won an Emmy, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA.

It’s a show about the…

Aly Nielsen | March 3, 2016

According to liberal New Yorker author Jane Mayer, half a billion dollars is only “big money” if it’s coming from the Koch brothers.

Mayer appeared on The View on March 3, 2016, to promote her latest conspiracy theory…

Sam Dorman | March 3, 2016

Editor’s note: Story contains explicit language.

Conservatives aren’t the only ones who’ve had enough of celebrities’ browbeating on political issues. Former Saturday Night Live comedienne Tina Fey thinks that…

Julia A. Seymour | March 3, 2016

For all that the liberal media and politicians rake CEOs over the coals for being paid too much, it turns out there is a group of people getting paid even more.

Turns out, the average college president is making $377,…

Sam Dorman | March 2, 2016

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen sparred with a Democratic strategist over whether or not Democrats believe in the rule of law.

Kernen rebuffed strategist Steve McMahon’s claim that Democrats believed in the rule of law saying, “…

Aly Nielsen | February 29, 2016

Thanks to liberal donors, LGBTQ "issues" have been gaining momentum in both the United States and abroad for years.

A new tracking report released in late February 2016 by Funders for LGBTQ Issues showed that in 2014 alone…