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Aly Nielsen | January 25, 2016

Calm down, climate alarmists; the weather events taking place are nothing new.

Climatologist Patrick Michaels said that recent droughts, warmer temperatures because of El Nino, and the blizzard of 2016 were “business as usual.…

Julia A. Seymour | January 25, 2016

2016 was supposedly the “point of no return” for taking action on global warming, according to former Vice President Al Gore. His tipping point received widespread scorn on the right, resulting in an “Armageddon…

Aly Nielsen | January 22, 2016

Once again, climate change fearmongers are at the mercy of the weather, eagerly shoveling alarmism into the news cycle surrounding a potentially “historic” East Coast blizzard.

On Jan. 22, Soros-funded climate activist Joe…

Sam Dorman | January 22, 2016

MSNBC All In with Chris Hayes’s host is all in ... for climate alarmism.

As Washington D.C. and Baltimore raced to prepare for a potentially “historic” blizzard set to lash the East Coast Hayes…

Sam Dorman | January 21, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio is going overboard again, except this time the only ship he’s riding is his titanic hypocrisy.

At the liberal World Economic Forum conclave held in Davos, Switzerland, actor and environmental activist DiCaprio…

Aly Nielsen | January 20, 2016

MRC Vice President for Business and Culture Dan Gainor praised the GOP for standing up to NBC’s bias by not allowing them to host the Super Tuesday GOP debate. CNN replaced NBC as the debate host network.

Gainor appeared on Fox…

Aly Nielsen | January 18, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now the highest grossing film of all time and its force is being felt in politics, too. The top names behind the instant sci-fi classic have also thrown their weight behind liberal causes and politicians.

Sam Dorman | January 14, 2016

Economist Steve Moore told Fox Business Network correspondent Charlie Gasparino on Jan. 14, that Republicans would win the presidency if the current economic malaise persists in nine months.

“If we’re in…

Aly Nielsen | January 13, 2016

In a bout of mind boggling hypocrisy, Hollywood multi-millionaires have banded together to oppose the wealth gap and make Wall Street multi-millionaires out to be corrupt fraudsters.

Money Monster, which combines the acting and producing…

Sam Dorman | January 11, 2016

Mainstream outlets have used polar bears to show the alleged dangers of climate change, but now this left-wing mascot is making its way to the big screen.

Sam Dorman | January 7, 2016

When it comes to raising the minimum wage, networks minimize balance and maximize bias.

After a year of protests clamoring for a $15 minimum wage, Christian Science Monitor reported that 14 states and several cities…

Aly Nielsen | January 5, 2016

Even when NASA states a weather pattern has not been caused by climate change, the media still can’t help bringing it up.

On Jan. 5, CBS This Morning invited Jeffrey Kluger, climate change evangelist and the editor at large for Time…

Sam Dorman | December 30, 2015

The Atlantic needs a reminder that journalists should mention both sides when covering stories. The Society of Professional Journalists says the media are supposed to “support the open and civil exchange of views.” That…

Sam Dorman | December 23, 2015

Politicians often complain about America’s struggling middle class, but according to Squawk Box host Andrew Ross Sorkin, they should quit crying over spilt milk. Sorkin…

Sam Dorman | December 23, 2015

After CNBC Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen complained about his recent spat with allergies, citing warm weather as a potential cause of ragweed growth, co-host Becky Quick teased him about climate change.


Erik Soderstrom | December 22, 2015

Editor’s Note: CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The left and entertainment press have had a field day whining about how much more…

Sam Dorman | December 22, 2015

According to feminist icon Gloria Steinem, America’s best bet for stimulating the economy isn’t tax cuts or trillions of dollars in spending, but equal pay for…

Julia A. Seymour | December 21, 2015

Objective journalism is so old-fashioned. Activism is the new objectivity, at least where the liberal media are concerned.

Rather than reporting as neutral…

Sam Dorman | December 18, 2015

Environmentalism is a disaster.

CBS Evening News reported that Ft. Lauderdale found itself in an ecological disaster after a local government sponsored the dumping of millions of tires in the city’s waters. In…

Sam Dorman | December 17, 2015

Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch said on Dec. 16, that PolitiFact was a “total communist outfit” and that employees at the organization should be arrested for naming Bill Clinton the most honest presidential candidate and Ben…