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Even when NASA states a weather pattern has not been caused by climate change, the media still can’t help bringing it up.

On Jan. 5, CBS This Morning invited Jeffrey Kluger, climate change evangelist and the editor at large for Time magazine, to explain what is “going on” with the “extreme weather” caused by El Niño.

According to NASA, this year’s El Niño “appears likely to equal the event of 1997-98, the strongest El Niño on record.” The 1997-98 El Niño killed 23,000 people, CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell reported.

But instead of sticking to El Niño, Kluger and the CBS This Morning co-hosts quickly forced climate change into the discussion.

Kluger began by telling viewers to, “picture the earth as running a chronic fever” with an additional “acute fever” caused by El Niño, which is temporarily warming the northern hemisphere.

Gayle King, one of the CBS This Morning co-hosts, interjected to ask if the 70 degree East Coast Christmas weather and thawing North Pole “is the new normal.”

“We haven’t mentioned the word global warming,” co-host Charlie Rose then whined, forgetting that liberals call it “climate change” now.

“Global Warming is a very real phenomenon,” Kluger responded.

“Now what I admire about the NASA scientists in these cases is they are acknowledging not every single weather event is linked to climate change; it certainly isn’t,” Kluger continued.

If he’d stopped there, he may have earned points for keeping the discussion on track. But instead, Kluger started pushing his own climate change views.

Kluger spent the remainder of the four-minute segment arguing that climate change can undermine national security, that the Paris climate talks were a “very good sign,” and that “the U.S. as the world’s leading emitter has to be willing to take the lead.”

Kluger’s presence on CBS This Morning demonstrated how committed the network is to pushing climate change. On This Morning in 2013, Kluger asserted that doubting global warming is like believing the earth is flat -- yet CBS invited him back.

This CBS This Morning broadcast falls right in line with the media’s habit of accepting climate change rhetoric.

After the 2006 release of former vice president Al Gore’s 2006 film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” media use of  the phrase “extreme weather” increased 988 percent. In this broadcast alone, “extreme” was used twice -- first to describe the overall weather patterns now occurring in the US, and then in a prediction by Kluger of heat spikes in summer.