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Once again, climate change fearmongers are at the mercy of the weather, eagerly shoveling alarmism into the news cycle surrounding a potentially “historic” East Coast blizzard.

On Jan. 22, Soros-funded climate activist Joe Romm preemptively defended climate alarmism with his article, “Why Big Blizzards In Winter Don’t Disprove Global Warming” for the Think Progress climate blog, Climate Progress.

Romm is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (CAP), a left-wing organization that George Soros gave $11,671,376 to between 2005 and 2014. CAP publishes both the Think Progress and Climate Progress websites.

On Climate Progress, Romm argued that climate change is connected to the storm threatening to drop two feet of snow on Washington, D.C.

“Human-induced climate change, especially warming-fueled ocean temperatures, are super-charging the amount of moisture in the atmosphere the storm will dump on us,” Romm insisted. He included similar claims from well known warming alarmists Michael Mann and Kevin Trenberth.

Mann, the Director of Penn State’s Earth System Science Center, blamed climate change for creating “unusually warm Atlantic ocean surface temperatures” that lead to “monster snowfalls, like we’re about to see here.”

Trenberth, the former head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, likewise said climate change was up to “half” responsible for warmer oceans and an increased water vapor retention in the atmosphere.

Romm took those claims as proof that “Superstorm Snowed-In” (as he calls it) is “able to sweep in vastly more water vapor thanks to human-caused warming.”

“While critics like to claim that these massive winter storms are evidence against climate change, they are actually favored by climate change,” Romm claimed.

But like many climate alarmists, Romm left out a major part of the story. Marc Morano, the head of Climate Depot, recently debunked a similar claim from Slate magazine. Like Romm, Slate had made dramatic predictions based on the warming of the oceans.

As Morano’s post explained, the margin of error of the ocean’s temperature increase may be larger than the supposed temperature increase itself.

Romm also blamed the 2009 blizzard on global warming. He’s also blamed political unrest in Egypt and Tiger Wood’s 2009 US Open loss on climate change.