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Aly Nielsen | November 20, 2015

The Guardian’s latest installment of climate activism makes it seem more like a sad literary digest rather than a sad news outlet. And it brought in celebrities like actor James Franco to help.

In March 2015, The Guardian first…

Aly Nielsen | November 17, 2015

The media’s disdain for groups that challenge apocalyptic views on climate change is often evident, but on Nov. 17, even The Washington Post realized it went too far.

The Post published an article on its website about Rep. Lamar…

Julia A. Seymour | November 13, 2015

Environmental activists are organizing the “largest Disobedient Action Adventure Game” for “climate justice” later this month. The global online and…

Aly Nielsen | November 12, 2015

A group of student activists calling itself the Million Student March are demanding free education. What they need are more math classes and the reality check that nothing in life is free.

A student spokesperson for the group proved that…

Aly Nielsen | November 12, 2015

Like the nag of a dripping faucet, the liberal news media spent years warning about melting glaciers and ice caps because of global warming.

Media outlets predicted an “ice-free” Arctic time and again, and so far have been…

Aly Nielsen | November 11, 2015

“Fight for $15,” the slogan trumpeted by activists campaigning to more than double the minimum wage, got another boost from CBS right before the Republican presidential debate aired on the Fox Business Network.

The protesters…

Michael Greibrok | November 5, 2015

House Republicans concerned about the politicization of climate science recently subpoenaed emails from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

According to the Wall Street Journal, Rep. Lamar Smith…

Michael Greibrok | November 3, 2015

The media love a good scare and a sensational headline, but new research indicates the fear they spread about the dangers of sitting too much may be overblown.

Aly Nielsen | November 2, 2015

In his new book “Good Profit,” Charles Koch said that in 2014 alone he received 153 death threats. That’s more than one every two and a half days.

Charles Koch, one of the conservative billionaire Koch brothers often…

Aly Nielsen | October 28, 2015

The focus of the CNBC Republican presidential debate was supposed to be economic policy: taxes, trade, immigration and how to generate economic growth.

The two-part Oct. 28, debate, titled “Your Money, Your Vote,” focused on…

Julia A. Seymour | October 28, 2015

UPDATE: USA Today's Standards & Recruitment Editor Brent Jones responded to a request by MRC Business VP Dan Gainor regarding the offensive tweets. Here is Jones' response:


Thanks for reaching out to…

Aly Nielsen | October 28, 2015

Today’s Hollywood liberals are so vicious that the few conservatives in their midst must operate in secret to preserve their careers.

“If an actor comes out for Ted Cruz, they’ll be demonized,” actress Morgan…

Julia A. Seymour | October 28, 2015

After an international agency made an announcement about risk of eating processed meats, many media outlets went hog wild. That included the broadcast networks which hyped the “troubling new warning” and ordered people to “cut…

Aly Nielsen | October 22, 2015

Ten months after the bureaucratic nightmare Obamacare was passed, there is even more evidence of its failure to live up to the promises made about it.

Just like you can lead a horse to water but not force him to drink, you can make…

Julia A. Seymour | October 21, 2015

Mandates are a predictable liberal solution for problems both real and percieved. The Huffington Post proved it again when it argued for a federal mandate for paid sick leave…

Aly Nielsen | October 21, 2015

The Democrats are determined to make the issue of gun control a presidential campaign issue, according to The Washington Post. And they already have the help of the news media.

Although the broadcast network evening shows said…

Michael Greibrok | October 14, 2015

Recent rulemaking by the EPA, if found to be constitutional, will regulate levels of carbon dioxide produced by power plants in each state.

However, CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen reminded viewers of carbon dioxide’s…

Aly Nielsen | October 14, 2015

Relativity Media may be dying a painful death, but thanks to lefty investor and former Clinton BFF Ron Burkle, at least one of Relativity’s offshoots will live on. For now.

On Oct. 7, Burkle announced that he would be dropping $30…

Michael Greibrok | October 13, 2015

Although there is not an openly avowed socialist in the White House yet, one banking expert told CNBC “we’re well on the road to socialism.”

Julia A. Seymour | October 12, 2015

Editor's note: This post contains spoilers from the Oct. 11, episode of Blood and Oil.

It was obvious from the start of ABC’s new drama, Blood…