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Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch said on Dec. 16, that PolitiFact was a “total communist outfit” and that employees at the organization should be arrested for naming Bill Clinton the most honest presidential candidate and Ben Carson the least.

It is well known that Clinton lied to all of America for months about his involvement with Monica Lewinsky.

“This Politifact should be arrested. They shouldn’t be out there,” Welch told hosts of CNBC’s Squawk Box. Welch was reacting to PolitiFact editor Angie Drobnic Holan’s claim that Bill Clinton was the most honest presidential candidate and that Ben Carson was the least honest. Holan ranked 17 presidential candidates on their level of honesty. She based the ranking, which was published in the New York Times Dec 13, on statements the candidates made since 2007.

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“They rank politicians’ statements from 2007 in a thing called PolitiFact, which everybody is jumping onto now. It’s a total communist outfit,” Welch said.

The seven candidates labeled “least honest” were all Republicans, while the five labeled “most honest” were Democrats. Former president Bill Clinton, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., filled out the five “honest” positions. PolitiFact ranked Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as the least honest candidates.


“Now, the most criminal, lying guy. No. 1, Ben Carson, a doctor. The guy was at John’s Hopkins,” Welch said. He also complained that the media rely on PolitiFact for commentary and said, “The public is sick of it.”

PolitiFact claims they “find the truth in American politics,” but that isn’t always the case. The organization has a record of being especially harsh when fact-checking conservatives. Earlier this year, PolitiFact labeled Rush Limbaugh’s claim that the Clinton Foundation uses only 15 percent of its funds for charity, as “mostly false.” PolitiFact correspondent made the claim despite the fact that he told a reporter the claim was “technically true.”