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CNBC anchors Joe Kernen and Michelle Caruso Cabrera poked fun at socialism, saying it equalized results, but made everything worse.

Cabrera said on Squawk Box May 12, that socialism brought about “equal suffering,” while Kernen similarly remarked that it represented “equally-shared misery.”

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Following a report on Cuba, Cabrera and Kernen ridiculed communism and socialism, suggesting that the two economic systems were backwards in how they worked.

Their comments came after Kernen asked Cabrera whether Cuba used outdated technology and she said they still used horses to till the land.

Cabrera also said that a Cuban official closed the possibility of land reform in the country since it would create an unfair economy where more productive farmers owned more land.

“That’s the last thing we need are people ... doing better than other people,” Kernen snarked.

“Exactly. Higher productivity would be awful,” Cabrera responded.

Cabrera asked guest anchor Scott Wapner, who was silent during the discussion, about why he wasn’t saying that socialism was bad. She then said that denouncing socialism was important because not everyone thought it was a bad system.

“It’s amazing that’s where we’ve gotten,” Cabrera lamented.