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Buffett executive Charlie Munger ridiculed the prospect of Trump and Cruz nominations during a CNBC appearance, by comparing their campaigns to a hopeless charge made during the Crimean War.

His comments came in response to Squawk Box host Becky Quick’s question on May 3, 2016, about his take on the state of the Republican Party.

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Munger, vice chairman of Warren Buffett’s company Berkshire Hathaway, responded bleakly. “In my own party, I think the future looks a lot like the Charge of the Light Brigade against the cannons of Balaklava” Munger said in a reference to a famed Crimean War battle in which British soldiers hopelessly charged Russian artillery. The charge was immortalized in a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson and made into at least two movies.

He similarly predicted that nominating Donald Trump or Ted Cruz would “likely to lead the Charge of the Light Brigade against the cannons.”

Munger attacked Trump specifically, noting that he liked former republican presidential candidate Lindsey Graham’s comparison between voting for Trump and buying a ticket on the Titanic.

“I like that politician who said his party was trying to buy a ticket on the Titanic after he’d seen the movie,” Munger chuckled.