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Is the catastrophic global warming the media, the United Nations, alarmists scientists and celebrities have been warning about for years all a big “hustle”?

Decide for yourself after watching CFACT’s new documentary film, Climate Hustle, but you’d better act fast. The movie, which is coming to theaters for one night only May 2, 2016, challenges the so-called climate “consensus” and supplies many academic voices underrepresented in the liberal media’s coverage of climate change.

The film, hosted by investigative journalist Marc Morano, exposes warming and cooling climate scares, temperature, extreme weather and consensus claims as well as showing how the media have promoted alarmism with a near-religious fervor.

“Climate has become a new religion and those who disagree will be treated as heretics,” Professor Richard Tol of the University of Sussex says in a new trailer for the film.

In the same trailer, the late paleontologist Dr. Bob Carter says, “We’re not dealing with a scientific issue. We haven’t been dealing with a scientific issue now for about fifteen years. We’re dealing with a determined political issue.”

In theaters, Climate Hustle will be followed up with video of a climate change panel discussion recently moderated by L. Brent Bozell, President and Founder of the Media Research Center. Panelists included former governor Sarah Palin, Alaska, climatologist Dr. David Legates and Climate Hustle host Marc Morano.

The event is made possible by Fathom Events and SpectiCast. Theater listings and tickets can be found at

Editor's note: Morano worked for our colleagues at from 2001 to 2006.