
Facebook deletes profile photo frames that tout vaccine skepticism: Facebook confirmed that it removed at least one profile photo frame promoting vaccine skeptical sentiments. CNBC reached…
Facebook bans medical freedom discussion group after their affiliated organization supported a law protecting the unvaccinated: Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (OAMF) hosted a Facebook group of…
Danielle Alice B
User suspended 30 days for Instagram post about the human immune system: A Twitter user shared screenshots of her censorship notice from Instagram/Facebook. She tweeted: "Banned for 30days on fb,…
Tom Connors
Facebook suspends user and his group for meme about the Pfizer vaccine: A Twitter user shared screenshots of his Facebook censorship notices. He had posted a meme into a group that he ran which…
David Scott
Twitter censors user for linking to The UK Columns COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions database: A Twitter user received a week-long account restriction over a tweet that linked to a source for…
Ben Basche
Twitter censors user for calling out Bill Gates lie on COVID vaccine patents: A Twitter user got in trouble for the following tweet: "Krystal Ball: Bill Gates Is LYING TO YOU On Vaccine Patent…
Travis Muller
Facebook censored user for questioning the need for COVID vaccine: A Twitter user shared that he receive a 7 day suspension from Facebook. The post that got him in trouble said: "There's no…
Tatiana Mundigo
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID vaccine: A Twitter user got in trouble for the following tweet: "@JordanSchachtel 'Under the Federal Law Fauci's vaccines cannot get Emergency Use…
Barry Sharp
Twitter censors user for expressing concern about reported side effects of COVID vaccine: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted: "Menstrual changes to be…
Craig Wax
Twitter censors family doctor for stating his opinion on COVID-19 vaccinations in children and young adults: A Twitter user who is both a family physician with an O.D. as well as a local radio host…
Twitter censors user for posting a link to a journal article about face masks: A Twitter user tweeted a link to an article in the journal Medical Hypotheses. The article was titled "Facemasks in the…
Tatiana Mundigo
Twitter censors user for tweet about COVID: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. The tweet that got her in trouble read: "Follow the science? COVID scandal: Feds ignored…
Ella Jackson
Facebook suspends user for comparing another user's plan for anti-vaxxers to Hitler: A Twitter user shared screenshots of her censorship notice from Facebook. A user on Facebook made a reply post…
Lottie Nightingale
Twitter restricts "misleading" tweet from likes and comments: A British Twitter user claimed that "Neither vaccines or lockdowns can reduce the natural cycle of a seasonal respiratory virus." Twitter…
Anna Da Suza
Facebook censors user for sharing video of people getting vaccinated: A Twitter user shared a screenshot showing her Facebook censorship notice. The video that she shared that Facebook claimed…
Facebook censors post listing facts about the potential blood clots from the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine: A Twitter user shared a censorship notice he received from Facebook. Facebook…
Facebook deletes video questioning why no fact-check had been applied to a false post from Biden Press Sec. Jen Psaki, platform 'restricted & demonetized' news analysis page the…
Unsurprised Lad
Twitter censors user for comment about COVID vaccine: A Twitter user shared a copy of his censorship notice. The tweet that got him in trouble read: "OK go jab yourself with the J&J vax and…
Andy Wade
Facebook censors user for summarizing a New York Times article: A Twitter user tweeted out a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. He stated that he received a 7 day suspension for his post.…
Twitter censors user's post about COVID vaccine: A Twitter user who is a YouTuber on the subjects of heavy metal music and political issues had one of his tweets censored. The tweet said: "If you…