
The Resurgent
Facebook once again slaps a completely irrelevant fact-check on a Bill O'Reilly video posted on The Resurgent's page: Not for the first or even second or third time, Facebook has used a…
Steve Deace
Facebook fact checks Steve Deace post because he cited numbers from the CDC's VAERS database: BlazeTV host Steve Deace made a post on Facebook claiming that the CDC had recently "double[d] its…
Sodrul Bhuiyan
Twitter censors user for wondering about Fauci's motivations: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. He had tweeted: "I wish someone could verify if Fauci has patent for…
Shane American
Facebook suspends user for a meme on COVID vaccines: A Twitter user shared a screenshot showing his 30 day suspension from Facebook for violating community standards. The post that got him in trouble…
Nation of Islam
Twitter Suspends Nation of Islam for Alleged Vaccine Misinfo, Ignores Anti-Semitism: Report By: Kayla Sargent In its most recent display of absurdity, Twitter has suspended the Nation of Islam, but…
Rep. M.T. Greene BLASTS Twitter: Platform Suspension Violated ‘My Freedom of Speech’ By Alexander Hall Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) returned from her recent Twitter suspension to…
YouTube removes San Diego news channel's interview with medical doctor after he suggests Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as effective COVID-19 treatments: Local San Diego channel KUSI News…
Derek Sloan
Twitter censors sitting Canadian MP for tweet about COVID: Derek Sloan, MP for Hastings-Lennox and Addington, Ontario, shared a screenshot of his Twitter censorship notice. He tweeted a link to an…
YouTube removes video of a school board meeting, citing misinformation spoken by public commenters: The Vancouver, WA school board posted a video of its July 13, 2021 meeting. In the meeting's public…
Lauren Houston
Facebook suspends user for post about door-to-door vaccinations: A Twitter user shared screenshots of her Facebook censorship notice. In response to news that the government will begin a door-to-door…
YouTube removes Bellingham City Council meeting after public commenter speaks on COVID-19: YouTube removed a Bellingham, Washington City Council meeting due to a public comment from a constituent.…
Freedom In America
Facebook deletes post of small conservative page that posts article reporting VAERS numbers and locks account for 30 days: Freedom in America, a small conservative Facebook page, posted a Gateway…
Facebook censors user for questioning reporting on COVID-19 and the vaccine: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Facebook censorship notice. The post that got him in trouble read: "People…
GB News
Twitter adds a fact check label to UK's GB News tweet of a segment against vaccinating children for COVID-19: GB News, a UK TV news company, tweeted a segment from one of its shows featuring…
Brit Barber
Facebook removes user's meme: Facebook removed a user's meme for reportedly violating community standards. The user shared a meme that said, "protecting my children from forced masking,…
Gareth Evans
Twitter censors comment on vaccine injuries and then reverses decision a month later: Sen. Ron Johnson held a press conference for families of allowing families of those with COVID-19 vaccine…
Twitter restricts sharing and liking a COVID-19 vaccine injury report: Izzy, who claims to be a Breaking911 writer, tweeted a video clip from a press conference held by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) which…
Dr. Robert Malone
LinkedIn reportedly restricts account of doctor who credits himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology due to his posts about COVID-19 vaccines and other treatments: Dr. Robert…
Brandy McFadden
Facebook deletes comment of a patient who sustained COVID-19 vaccine injuries when she shared an article about her progress: Brandy McFadden received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in April 2021,…
National File
Twitter locks National File account after tweeting story about teen death after COVID-19 vaccine: National File reported that 13-year-old Jacob Clynick died after receiving the second dose of the…