YouTube removes Bellingham City Council meeting after public commenter speaks on COVID-19: YouTube removed a Bellingham, Washington City Council meeting due to a public comment from a constituent. Although it is unclear exactly which comment triggered the removal of the meeting, one commenter asked the council members to provide more information on Ivermectin and other alternative treatments. YouTube removed the video for allegedly violating it's "medical misinformation policy" which prohibits content recommending Ivermectin as "safe" or “effective treatment[s]” or “prevention” measures for COVID-19. The city lost its appeal and, like the Vancouver, WA Public School Board, resolved to exclude public comments from the recorded meetings. Bellingham Washington is in the state's second federal congressional district and is represented by Rick Larsen (D). The State's senators are Maria Cantwell (D) and Patty Murray (D).
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Bellingham Washington City Council
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