
Glenda Rhodes Baker
Facebook restricts user's account for posts about COVID-19: Facebook restricted a user's account, according to a purported screenshot shared with MRC Free Speech America. Facebook claimed the posts…
Kevin Michael Grace
YouTube removes video talking about the COVID vaccine: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his YouTube censorship notice. The user's offending video was titled "The KMG Show EP 244 Journalists are…
Tony TDogg
Twitter censors Project Veritas video when a user tweets it: A user tweeted the latest Project Veritas video, which shows Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg questioning the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine.…
Brit Barber
Facebook removes user's vaccine post: Facebook removed a user's photo for reportedly violating community standards. The user shared a photo saying flu shots included ingredients such as mercury, anti…
Harry Paget
Facebook fact-checks cartoon about the COVID vaccines: A Twitter user explained that Facebook is censoring a COVID vaccine cartoon, and provided a screenshot showing that the cartoon was fact-checked…
'Word on the Street' Podcast
YouTube deletes podcast episode that included interview with well known vaccine skeptic RFKJR: YouTube has deleted an episode of the "Word on the Street" podcast which included an interview with…
Simon Dolan
British entrepreneur, founder of Keep Britain Free movement suspended for tweeting against COVID vaccines: Simon Dolan, who has sued the British government over the COVID-19 lockdowns, was suspended…
Lenny Etheridge
Twitter censors user for posting video of nurse disavowing the COVID vaccines: A Twitter user shared the video that Nashville nurse Khalilah Mitchell created after she received a COVID-19 vaccine. In…
Robby Starbuck
Instagram Robby Starbuck post about nurse passing out after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine: Robby Starbuck shared a post about a nurse who passed out after receiving one of the COVID-19 vaccines. In a…
Twitter censors user for a tweet skeptical of COVID-19 and the vaccines: A Twitter user tweeted the following: "The people that approved the vaccine will make money from it The globalists profit from…
Fr. Paddy McCafferty
Facebook suspended Catholic Priest for posting "pro life article published in the Irish Catholic newspaper": Father Paddy McCafferty posted an article from The Irish Catholic titled: "…
The HighWire
Health News Talk Show deplatformed from Facebook: "The HighWire" – a show from the publishers at Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) – has been deplatformed by…
Stop Mandatory Vaccination
Popular anti-vaccine Facebook group removed from platform: The group "Stop Mandatory Vaccination | Vaccine Free Parenting," created by well known anti-vaccine activist Larry Cook, was…
Larry Cook
Well-known anti-vaccine activist suspended indefinitely from Twitter: Larry Cook, the creator of one of the largest anti-vaccine groups on social media, was suspended indefinitely from Twitter. Cook'…
Larry Cook
Well-known anti-vaccine activist permanently banned from Facebook: Larry Cook, the creator of one of the largest ant-vaccine groups on social media, was permanently banned from Facebook. "Facebook…
The HighWire
Health News Talk Show deplatformed from YouTube: "The HighWire" – a show from the publishers at Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) – has been deplatformed by YouTube…
Right-wing nonprofit denied service from Mailchimp: Children's Health Defense (CHD), a 501(c)3 nonprofit led by Robert F. Kennedy jr., had their Mailchimp account deactivated for reportedly violating…