CensorTrack Database

7,123 Documented Cases
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87 87
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35 35
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29 29
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19 19
Cases Against The Babylon Bee
7 7
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Displaying 4581 - 4600 of 7123
Clint Eastwood Movie
User gets censored for naming favorite Clint Eastwood movie: A Twitter user celebrated Clint Eastwood's 91st birthday by asking other users to name their favorite Eastwood movie. A user replied with…
Amazon bans America's Frontline Doctors from using its web hosting services over supposed misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines: America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) is a nonprofit founded by Dr.…
Ezra Levant
Twitter bars Ezra Levant, the founder of Canadian media outlet Rebel News, from purchasing ads for his book about the coronavirus: Ezra Levant, a Canadian media personality and founder of Rebel News…
Cory Collings
Facebook fact-checks popular gun meme: A post with over 118,000 shares was fact-checked by Facebook for "missing context." The post said, "The only time we hold a shooter responsible is when its [sic…
YouTube deletes two videos uploaded by group of frontline health care workers: Two videos uploaded by the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care's (FLCC) channel on YouTube have been removed by the…
User gets censored for naming favorite Clint Eastwood movie: Twitter account @TheCinemaTicket tweeted an innocent question, asking users to name their favorite Clint Eastwood movie. However, that…
Rowan Croft
Irish right-wing political commentator on social media, Rowan Croft, has livestream deleted by Facebook: Rowan Croft had a Facebook livestream, during which he discussed his opinions about COVID…
Donald Trump Jr.
Instagram fact checks infographic shared by Donald Trump Jr. showing increase in cost of living under Biden: Donald Trump Jr. shared an infographic created by Digital GOP Leader Maggie…
Bill Muehlenberg
Facebook bans Australian Christian Commentator without explanation: Bill Muehlenberg, a Christian apologist, ethicist and cultural commentator in Australia, said he his Facebook account was disabled…
Chunky Mark
British YouTuber who does 'newspaper reviews' that provide commentary on the U.K.'s latest news and events has been suspended from YouTube for a week: A British YouTuber who goes by the name Chunky…
Akiva Pollack
Facebook censored a rabbi's pro-Israel post promoting #Hitlerwaswrong: Rabbi Akiva Pollack shared a New York Post article on Facebook entitled "17,000 tweet 'Hitler was right,' and Big Tech barely…
Grabien's YouTube channel posted the viral video of Georgia mother Courtney Ann Taylor and YouTube took it down: Grabien, the multimedia software company run by Tom Elliot, posted a video that had…
Facebook recycles a fact-check for an America's Frontline Doctors petition and white paper: Facebook fact-checked a user who posted a link to America's Frontline Doctors' petition to "Stop Forced…
Candace Owens
Conservative commentator Candace Owens said Facebook has locked her out of her account for 24 hours: Candace Owens took to Twitter to let everyone know that Facebook had temporarily suspended her…
Amir Odom
Gay, black conservative activist Amir Odom censored by Instagram over his opinion on those who disagree with a homosexual lifestyle: Amir Odom is a young, gay, black conservative who told his story…
User is banned from a subreddit for participating in another subbredit which moderator did not like: A Reddit moderator permanently banned u/samsng202 from the subreddit r/vaxxhappened for…
Brit Barber
Facebook removes user's meme: Facebook removed a user's meme for reportedly violating community standards. The user shared a meme that said, "Since I stopped vaccinating my children, they stopped…
Andy Ngo
Report exposing a Portland Antifa-linked housing collective that appears is being used as a cover for sex work was flagged by Facebook for violating its community standards on 'adult sexual…
Dustin Ellermann
YouTube demonetizes gun channel because the content does not align with its Partner Program Policies: YouTube demonetized Dustin Ellermann, a licensed shooting instructor and the season three…
Sinead Watson
Well known Scottish 'de-transitioner' suspended from Twitter: Sinead Watson is a well known Scottish "de-transitioner," or person who used to be transgender but decided to return to their…