Vicki McKenna

Twitter censors WI radio show host for listing the COVID-19 protocol her doctor prescribed her: Vicki McKenna, a radio talk show host in Wisconsin, tweeted about her personal experience with early treatment when she was diagnosed with COVID-19. She tweeted: "Want to know what my doc gave me to keep me ahead of Covid symptoms? Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Prednisone, Aspirin, Vitamin D, Zinc, Melatonin, Fluoxetine, Black Cumin-and I gargled and rinsed w/an iodine solution (protocol found at @Covid19Critical) Early treatment works." Twitter slapped a "Misleading" warning label on the tweet, which continued, "Learn about emerging treatments for COVID-19 from health experts. Find out more." The link in the warning label redirected users to an unattributed Twitter-curated page titled "The World Health Organization's advice on treatments for COVID-19." In addition to collections of relevant tweets from so-called "experts" like the CDC and WHO, the page started with a "What you need to know" section that explained that the "WHO advises against the use of ivermectin in patients with COVID-19, except within clinical trials," "An expert panel from WHO strongly advises against use of hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19," and "WHO has made a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized COVID-19 patients; it has been approved by the government in India for restricted emergency use." Additionally, Twitter restricted the tweet so that it may not be replied to, liked, shared or re-tweeted. It may be quote-tweeted only after clicking through another warning that tried to redirect users to the same Twitter "fact-check" page.

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