CensorTrack Database

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19 19
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Displaying 4541 - 4560 of 7126
Reddit mod deletes post of study on the origins of COVID-19 claiming it wasn't 'high quality information:' A Reddit user posted a study that examines the genome of COVID-19 and the possibility of…
INSANE! Twitter Censors Anti-Critical Race Theory Account Kayla Sargent June 11th, 2021 Twitter’s rampage against conservatives has not stopped with the platform now seemingly taking its orders…
Facebook fact-checkers flag episode of MRCTV's Reality Check about Fauci emails from as 'partly false': Facebook Fact-Checker Science Feedback flagged an episode of MRCTV's Reality Check with…
Tracy Høeg
Twitter places 'misleading' content filter on myocarditis numbers taken from a CDC presentation: Tracy Høeg, a physician, epidemiologist and associate researcher at the University of California…
DarkHorse Podcast
YouTube censors a Dr. Pierre Kory interview on Bret Weinstein's DarkHorse Podcast: Bret Weinstein interviewed Dr. Pierre Kory for the DarkHorse Podcast on June 1, 2021, and the two discussed the…
Instagram account deactivated for repeated Community Guideline violations related to COVID-19: Unity Holistic Healing was given a warning on June 9th that if it violated Instagram's Community…
Price of Lumber Photo
Facebook fact-checked a photo showing the rise in lumber prices over the last year: Facebook is fact-checking a particular photo comparing the price of lumber in the Fall of 2020 to the price of…
Kevin Cullen
Twitter censors user for what is clearly a joke: A Twitter user whose account is clearly labeled "(Parody)" ran afoul of the Twitter algorithm for a joke. He tweeted at a couple of other users, "I…
Stanley Roberts
YouTube first deletes, then age-restricts video of Amazon worker beating up an old woman over a package: Stanley Roberts runs a blog and YouTube channel covering everyday misbehavior. Roberts…
Leah Moore
Facebook deletes user's post about Fauci emails and COVID-19 lockdowns: Facebook deleted the post of a user who posted about the recent release of Dr. Fauci's emails. She wrote,  "[h]ope you're…
Genesius Times
Instagram users forced to delete meme that included headline from satirical article about Fauci's emails: Numerous Instagram users had their posts that contained a meme poking fun at Dr.…
Roie Yellinek
LinkedIn hid publication section of Axios journalist who covers issues related to China: LinkedIn notified Axios China reporter Roie Yellinek that the publication section of his LinkedIn page would…
Facebook's faulty algorithm censors user for saying "Kill the filibuster": A screenshot shows that a Facebook user was nabbed by a faulty algorithm, seemingly detecting a threat of violence. The user…
Scott Bradley
Facebook censors users who use old, standard slang for a car's transmission: In another example of the ridiculous AI algorithm that Facebook employs in its censorship efforts, a user who runs an…
Adam Laszlo Rocska
LinkedIn deletes comment calling coronavirus the 'Kung Flu': Self-employed tech entrepreneur Adam Laszlo Rocska had his comment on LinkedIn that called COVID-19 the "kung flu" removed by the…
News Medical
Facebook post containing link to article discussing new findings that show hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin could be helpful in treating coronavirus given warning label: The…
Brad Hodges
Facebook removes comment with common Marine nickname, calling it harassment and bullying: Facebook removed a comment from a user who appears to have been in the U.S. Marine Corps and was asking…
Mike Davis
Twitter suspends Internet Accountability Project founder after he defends wrongly suspended Treasury Dept. official who was suspended from Twitter for comparing a CNN anchor to a fictional movie…
Will Upton
Twitter suspends former Treasury Department official for comparing CNN anchor to fictional movie character: Will Upton, a former public affairs official at the Treasury Department, was suspended from…
Kathy Koshak-Swann
Facebook censor's user for posting the Fauci's email to Sylvia Burwell: The user posted a picture of one of Dr. Fauci's publicly released emails in which he instructed Sylvia Burwell not to wear a…