Account Disabled
Shopify shuts down Both and have been shut down by online shopping platform Shopify. According to an story, a spokesperson for the…
Lin Wood
Lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse and avid Trump supporter Lin Wood permanently suspended from Twitter: Initially, the pro-Trump lawyer who has defended the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse had his Twitter…
Shopify shuts down Trump Campaign's official store: Following the siege on the Capitol by Trump supporters the official shop of the Trump Campaign has been removed by the largest e-commerce…
YouTube pulls News Corp's UK-based talkRadio channel, presumably over COVID-19 discussions: talkRadio, a UK-based News Corporation property, has been terminated from YouTube. The channel is regulated…
'Joe Biden is Not My President' Facebook group gets banned while anti-Trump 'Not My President' group remains: A Facebook group started after the 2020 Presidential election, which reportedly…
Wybren van Haga
Dutch MP loses LinkedIn account purportedly over his sharing of so-called COVID-19 misinformation: Wybren van Haga, a member of parliament in the Netherlands, was removed from LinkedIn for…
Swedish Web Television
Self-described 'politically and religiously independent' Swedish digital news channel removed from YouTube: Swedish Web Television, otherwise known as SwebbTV, has been permanently removed from…
Dr. Zev Zelenko
Medical Doctor banned from Twitter following bout with Twitter censors: Dr. Zev Zelenko, the creator of the Zelenko HCQ protocol, has been permanently suspended from Twitter. The ban comes just days…
CJ Truth
Conservative pro-Trump Twitter user permanently banned: CJ Truth, a popular Twitter user with almost 300,000 followers, has been suspended from Twitter in the past but this time it appears…
Zechariah Cartledge
Instagram account chronicling 12-year-old boy who honors first responders gets deleted, Platform admits mistake: 12-year-old Zechariah Cartledge who runs a mile while carrying a…
Jennifer Zeng
Chinese Human Rights Activist loses Medium account after publishing article investigating links between Dominion Voting company and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP): Jennifer Zeng, a China…
YouTube removes Qanon video from its platform: A user posted a video entitled "'Q- The Plan to Save the World' Patriots Unite." YouTube removed the content claiming that the video violated the…
Wimborne Militia
Facebook accounts of members of historical war reenactment group in the UK deleted, Facebook apologizes and reinstates: Members of a British reenactment society with the name Wimborne Militia had…
The HighWire
Health News Talk Show deplatformed from Facebook: "The HighWire" – a show from the publishers at Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) – has been deplatformed by…
American Rock Band TRAPT, known for breakout hit 'Headstrong,' kicked off Facebook and Instagram for sharing Proud Boy Meme: "Nu-metal" band TRAPT was kicked off of Facebook, and subsequently…
Stop Mandatory Vaccination
Popular anti-vaccine Facebook group removed from platform: The group "Stop Mandatory Vaccination | Vaccine Free Parenting," created by well known anti-vaccine activist Larry Cook, was…
Oathkeepers Causeplay
After Facebook censors charity, and later reinstates it, Instagram follows suit with its own removal of the group from its platform: A nonprofit that volunteers with other charities by dressing up as…
Ben Jammin
Discord disables multiple servers run by a user because of election misinformation: A Twitter user who co-hosts a podcast that focuses on both sports and politics reported that he has been censored…
Larry Cook
Well-known anti-vaccine activist permanently banned from Facebook: Larry Cook, the creator of one of the largest ant-vaccine groups on social media, was permanently banned from Facebook. "Facebook…
The Conservative Tree House
Conservative Blog Deplatformed: Conservative Tree House (CTH) has been kicked from its hosting provider WordPress. In a blog post CTH said it received a message from WordPress stating the site's…