
YouTube pulls News Corp's UK-based talkRadio channel, presumably over COVID-19 discussions: talkRadio, a UK-based News Corporation property, has been terminated from YouTube. The channel is regulated by Ofcom in the UK, which has found nothing concerning in any of its broadcasts. YouTube, on the other hand, determined that its content was in violation of the community guidelines, and pulled the plug on the whole channel on Jan. 5. While there has not been any information released about why the channel was terminated, it is widely believed that it was because of discussions about COVID-19 lockdowns. However, sometimes talkRadio host Andre Walker noted that the channel is balanced in its content. He noted that if the program had on a guest speaking negatively about the lockdowns, they would also balance that with a guest who spoke in favor of the lockdowns. He further noted that while Ofcom takes this into consideration, Big Tech companies like YouTube rely on algorithms and "AI" to find keywords that set the ball of censorship rolling, not taking the broader broadcast into consideration in their determinations. After the UK government contacted YouTube about the termination, talkRadio reported that YouTube reinstated its channel. In the statement from YouTube that talkRadio released, YouTube claimed that the reason it reinstated the channel was because “[w]e make exceptions for material posted with an educational, documentary, scientific or artistic purpose, as was deemed in this case.”

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