Brent Bozell

Catherine Salgado | June 26, 2024

Free speech advocates are ripping the U.S. Supreme Court‘s refusal to protect the First Amendment from government-tech censorship collusion.

State and individual plaintiffs in Murthy v. Missouri provided evidence of severe government…

Luis Cornelio | May 16, 2024

Leftist billionaire George Soros is “behind an all-out effort to shut down” free speech in the United States, MRC President Brent Bozell declared on Thursday.

Bozell’s scorching remarks came in response to an MRC report that exposed Soros…

Luis Cornelio | April 25, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell once again condemned Facebook's repeated election interference detailed in a bombshell MRC Free Speech America’s Special Report.

During a Thursday morning interview with WMAL-FM’s Larry O’Connor, Bozell…

MRC Staff | April 22, 2024

The Media Research Center wants the Federal Communications Commission to know: “The Communications Act does not contain a special Soros shortcut.”

Today, the Media Research Center (MRC) and its president, Brent Bozell, filed a formal…

Luis Cornelio | April 17, 2024

Google is picking “winners and losers” in U.S. elections, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell told podcaster and entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David on Wednesday.

Bozell joined Bet-David’s blockbuster PBD Podcast to explain how Big…

Luis Cornelio | March 26, 2024

The Media Research Center has put Google on notice: Enough is enough.

MRC President Brent Bozell is calling on the CEO of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to disprove MRC Free Speech America’s findings that the tech giant has meddled…

Luis Cornelio | March 22, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell reiterated the dire threat posed by Google’s years-long interference in U.S. elections — as revealed by an MRC Free Speech America Special Report that compiled 41 times the tech giant meddled in elections in the past…

Luis Cornelio | March 20, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell responded to Google’s weak attempt to save face amid the release of a Media Research Center bombshell showing that the tech giant has interfered in U.S. elections a staggering 41 times since 2008.

In a Tuesday…

NB Staff | March 15, 2024

Members of the MRC-led Free Speech Alliance are urging the Senate to follow the House of Representatives' lead and vote on a bill forcing TikTok to divest itself from its communist Chinese government ties, or risk being banned from the U.S.…

Luis Cornelio | March 14, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell is doubling down on his support for a bipartisan bill aiming to put an end to TikTok’s communist Chinese government ties.

In a Wednesday interview with WMAL-FM’s Larry O’Connor, Bozell reiterated the need to…

Luis Cornelio | March 12, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell pulled no punches in addressing where his organization stands regarding the recently introduced TikTok ban: It must “divest” from communist Chinese government control.

Bozell, denoting that the Media Research…

Joseph Vazquez | February 1, 2024

MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell blasted the top brass at leftist internet traffic cop NewsGuard for once again trying to malign research exposing its bias rather than addressing its own shortcomings. 

NewsGuard co-CEOs Steven…

Tom Olohan | January 18, 2024

MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell highlighted a blistering exposé of the disturbing collusion between the federal government and private organizations to poison the minds of future generations against conservatives. 

In a Jan.…

MRC Staff | January 11, 2024

In a fiery appearance on The Erick Erickson Show, MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell harshly condemned the Biden administration’s weaponized government for pushing censorship and indoctrination into American schools.

Conversing with…

Luis Cornelio | January 10, 2024

MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell rebuked President Joe Biden’s State Department following MRC Free Speech America’s exposé on the government’s plot to brainwash children into becoming leftist activists through taxpayer-funded programs.…

Luis Cornelio | December 13, 2023

MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell delivered a scorching rebuke of self-anointed internet traffic cop NewsGuard following the release of another report exposing the media ratings firm’s extreme leftist bias.

Speaking to Fox Business…

Luis Cornelio | December 1, 2023

MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell raised the alarm about an MRC bombshell exposing “empirical” evidence that Big Tech companies are cheerleading President Joe Biden’s sinking re-election campaign ahead of the 2024 presidential election.…

Luis Cornelio | November 28, 2023

MRC President and Founder Brent Bozell slammed Big Tech censorship in a Tuesday interview, detailing the harrowing election interference of social media platforms to aid the scandal-ridden Biden administration.

In an interview with…

Tom Olohan | November 16, 2023

MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell told Fox Business Network host Stuart Varney on Thursday’s Varney & Co. that the threat posed by communist Chinese government-tied TikTok far exceeds any downsides of banning the app. 


Gabriela Pariseau | November 9, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi sounded the alarm on the precarious state of free speech online as leftist elites embrace censorship and AI.

During an exclusive MRC interview, Taibbi told Bozell that…