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MRC President Brent Bozell responded to Google’s weak attempt to save face amid the release of a Media Research Center bombshell showing that the tech giant has interfered in U.S. elections a staggering 41 times since 2008.

In a Tuesday interview with WMAL-FM host Larry O’Connor, Bozell challenged Google to debunk where MRC Free Speech America showed how the tech giant exerted its power to help the most left-wing candidates.

“Mr. and Mrs. Google out there, I challenge you to debunk a single one of the 41 examples we came up with — just one!” Bozell told O’Connor about the impact Google had on elections in each example listed in the MRC study. “I’ll buy you lunch or I’ll buy stock.”

Bombshell: 41 Times Google Has Interfered in US Elections Since 2008

Bozell’s response came after Google chastised MRC, albeit unsuccessfully, for its findings, asserting that the information presented was “nothing new” and a “recycled list of baseless, inaccurate complaints that have been debunked by third parties.” 

Despite its assertions, Google has not disproved the report’s finding. “The fact of the matter is that they can’t because the evidence is there,” Bozell added. “They’re doing it repeatedly.”

You May Also Like! Google Denies, But Fails to Disprove Breadth of Election Interference in MRC Exposé

The implications of the MRC report are harrowing, Bozell implied during the interview. He cited a poll showing roughly five or six percent of Americans determine who they vote for based on Google searches. 

As unveiled by MRC Free Speech America in several studies, Google has been caught burying the campaign sites of Republican candidates off of the first page of search results. 

“Why is that important?” Bozell asked rhetorically. “Because less than one percent of the public ever goes to page two—and that, folks, is being done deliberately.” 

Later in the interview, Bozell highlighted the admission from Jenn Gennai, the director of Google’s Responsible Innovation Team, who told Project Veritas in 2019 that the tech giant had the power to prevent “the next Trump situation.” She later said, “If not us, then who.”

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