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If there is one issue that Big Tech particularly displays bias in censoring, it is the pro-life issue.

That’s what MRC President Brent Bozell and The Daily Wire senior reporter Mary Margaret Olohan discussed during a Wednesday episode of The Brent Bozell Show. Bozell stated that Big Tech companies are “passionate” about silencing anyone who opposes abortion, a statement that Olohan supported with examples from her own experience. Olohan said she once caught Facebook taking advice from abortion advocates on what to censor on the platform.

When asked about how serious Big Tech censorship of pro-life content online has become, Olohan did not hold back. “I think the two big issues that Big Tech has been targeting groups for are gender ideology and abortion,” Olohan affirmed. “Lately, I see more gender ideology, but I honestly just think that's because it's more in the news. Abortion has taken a little bit of a backseat in terms of political rhetoric on the right[.] I will say I have written so many stories about Big Tech censorship of pro-life groups, of any kind of abortion messaging.”

She highlighted a concerning phenomenon: the media is not pressing Big Tech on pro-life-related censorship. “It’s so funny to me because there's so few reporters who are willing to reach out to, let's say Google or Facebook/Meta, and say, ‘Hey, I noticed you censored this video. Can you explain why? What's the reasoning?’” 

Yet, Olohan has found that “nine times out of ten, when I reach out to a Big Tech platform and say, ‘Why'd you censor this video,’ they'll say, ‘Oh, this was inappropriately censored, or this was a human error and [we’ll] reinstate it.’ And I kind of laughed to myself, because I'm like, ‘Okay, it's so easy for me to get someone reinstated just by saying, Why did you do this?’”

She cited an example of pro-life group Live Action being censored on Facebook for a video explaining that abortion is never medically necessary. “Facebook slapped them with a label, and I think they were getting a strike, and there was this whole massive mess there, but there was no one actually reaching out to Facebook,” Olohan said. 

In the course of her own reporting on the topic, however, she “I found out that the people that told them to censor it were literally abortionists, abortion researchers … . Abortionists are helping censor pro-life content on Facebook.”

Bozell agreed that pro-life groups do not always defend themselves proactively from Big Tech’s ceaseless attacks. “I've had many conversations with pro-life groups to try to explain to them the importance of this issue, and the importance of public opinion and how public opinion is being turned against them, simply because they're not focused on defending themselves,” Bozell ended.

Recent examples of Big Tech censoring pro-lifers include Google deplatforming pro-life activist Trudy Perez-Poveda in July 2024, and Facebook applying a fact-check label to a Tucker Carlson interview of pro-life protestor Paul Vaughn in April 2024.

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