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BMI Staff | September 21, 2005

New from the Business…

BMI Staff | September 14, 2005

New from the Business…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | September 14, 2005
     As with nearly every other major natural disaster, Hurricane Katrina resulted in short-term higher prices and cries of price-gouging by politicians and those who are not familiar with how the market…
David Goodnow | September 9, 2005
     As we watch the coverage of the hurricane story, it should be a reminder of the power a mere few people can exercise each day to influence the opinions of millions of viewers worldwide.     …
| September 8, 2005
     Tax cuts have been the latest craze in gas price management, but CNNs Miles OBrien suggested on the September 8 American Morning that raising taxes might be the way to go.      I think theres…
Dan Gainor | September 8, 2005
     U.N. Report Cites U.S. and Japan as the Least Generous Donors, read the headline in the September 8 New York Times. The article went on to criticize U.S. foreign aid in advance of next weeks…
BMI Staff | September 7, 2005

New from the Business…

R. Warren Anderson | September 7, 2005
     The Early Show viewers are experiencing an unusual form of pain at the pump. For two days running, CBSs Julie Chen has misreported gas prices, each time claiming highs that have not occurred, with the…
| September 7, 2005
     Hurricane Katrina received nearly 24-hour TV coverage in the past week, from rescue tales to the horrors of flooding, crime, and people struggling to find food and water. Then demands for…
| August 31, 2005
     Some lessons are hard to learn. For the media, who have been told many times by scientists that global warming doesnt cause weather cataclysms, each new disaster is an opportunity to ask the…
Noel Sheppard | August 31, 2005
     The U.S. Census Bureau released poverty figures for 2004 on August 30, and if you were to take the mainstream media reports on the subject at face value, you would have to conclude that things…
Dan Gainor | August 31, 2005

USA Today Downplays Its Own Explanation of Health Care Costs Major series fails to understand why premium care has a premium price…

Dan Gainor | August 26, 2005

Times Downplays Greenspans 18-Year Success Paper dwells on danger if housing turns into a bubble that bursts.

| August 26, 2005

World News Tonight Criticizes Outsourcing ABCs Closer Look takes one step forward, two steps back on trade debate.…

| August 26, 2005

Gas Hysteria Media Fail to Realize Oil Not Even Near Records Reporter Jim Axelrod mocks…

| August 25, 2005

Media Continue to Pound on Obesity Coverage Fast food restaurants are stalking children; Southerners are getting fatter; and the misleading Body Mass Index…

Dan Gainor | August 25, 2005

Gas Hysteria Saving at the Pump Means Paying More for Vehicles Media continue to refine…

BMI Staff | August 24, 2005

New from the Business…

Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | August 24, 2005
     Recent discussions about housing prices show confusion about what makes for correct prices. The market sets prices that are correct when the quantity that people demand of a good or service is equal…
Dan Gainor | August 24, 2005

Gas Hysteria Media Take a Bite Out of CAFE Guidelines Government proposes new…