After Enrons collapse, the media frequently reminded the public of
political ties top executives in the failed energy company had to
the Bush administration. The same standard, however, wasnt applied
to mortgage broker Fannie Mae (FNM),
whose former CEO served in the Clinton White House and was
speculated to be on presidential hopeful John Kerrys short list for
Treasury secretary. The print media continued that double standard in covering a
comprehensive new report on the scandal released February 23 by
former Sen. Warren Rudman (R-N.H.).
Of the nations top five newspapers, only The New York Times
mentioned Rainess Clinton connection. The Wall Street Journal
didnt just ignore Democratic links to Fannie Mae, it reported on
Republican connections. In the last paragraph of that story,
reporter James R. Hagerty pointed out the strong ties between the
chairman of gulf Bank and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and linked that to a
failed investment.
New York Times correspondents
Stephen Labaton
and Eric Dash wrote that the February 23 report found Raines, a former chairman
and chief executive who had previously served as a top official in
the Clinton administration, contributed to a culture that
improperly stressed stable earnings growth and that he hired and
retained a management team that ... was inadequate and in some
respects was not competent.
The February 24 Washington Post business
section featured three stories, all of which mentioned Raines, but
not his political connections or campaign contributions. USA Todays
Edward Iwata
similarly left out Rainess politics while saying the report gave
positive portrait of Fannie Maes board, clearing them of direct
responsibility for the companys accounting troubles. The Los
Angeles Times ran a Reuters article that similarly did not disclose
that Raines served as director of the Office of Management and
Budget in the Clinton White House.
Business & Media Institute
previously documented how much the media overlooked about Democratic
connections to Fannie Mae. According to that April 2005 report:
Former Chief Executive Officer Franklin Raines and former Vice
Chairman Jamie Gorelick were both instrumental figures in the
Clinton administration.
The Rudman report, which was commissioned by Fannie Mae, can be
Media Ignore Democratic Ties to Fannie Mae Scandal
suggested reading