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| August 18, 2005

Gas Hysteria Oil Prices Drop and Networks Ignore It Continuing the media trend of ignoring positive economic news and highlighting negative…

Dan Gainor | August 18, 2005

Obesity Battle Pops Up Again Media rely on food industry critics to explain beverage industry plan to limit soft drinks in schools.

By Dan Gainor…

Herman Cain | August 17, 2005
     Ive been telling people around the country for months that they  must think all of us are stupid. Usually, someone will come up and ask me about the mysterious they. Its a simple answer they are…
Dan Gainor | August 17, 2005

ABC Plays The Old Skin Game Networks half-baked report criticized those who have fun in the sun.

By Dan Gainor August 17, 2005…

| August 17, 2005

Gas Hysteria Networks continue gas price hype ABC does note the cause of the problem is that businesses cant build new…

Dan Gainor | August 17, 2005

Broken records: Media repeat phony claim of all-time high gas prices Major medias problem with adjusting prices based on inflation adds to anxiety about cost.…

Dan Gainor | August 15, 2005

Social Securitys Retirement Date Long Passed 70th anniversary marked by media spin on reforming the system.

By Dan Gainor August 15, 2005…

| August 12, 2005

Pain at the Pump Schizophrenic media offer full-service bias on the economy.

By Charles Simpson August 12, 2005…

Dan Gainor | August 12, 2005

CBS Downplays Danger from Activist Health Commissioner Regulatory suggestion to limit trans-fats in New York foods results in serving of poor journalism.…

Dan Gainor | August 11, 2005

Jennings Death Inspires Anti-Smoking Crusade NBC reports that thousands choose to stop smoking yet, they need regulation and government funding to help?…

Dan Gainor | August 11, 2005

Morning Shows Fill Up With Hype on Gas Prices Networks emphasize $3-per-gallon prices when average price is $2.37.

By Dan Gainor August…

Dan Gainor | August 11, 2005

Times Relies on Food Police for Comment on Healthier Products In mostly positive free-market story, anti-industry nutritionist Marion Nestle continues…

Dan Gainor | August 11, 2005

Post Blames Free Market For Starvation In Niger Timbergs rant bypasses poverty, drought, locusts and other causes to blame greedy capitalists.…

Dan Gainor | August 10, 2005

CBS Delivers A Steady Diet Of One-Sided Coverage Network skews lawsuit story toward government and virtually ignores defendant

By Dan Gainor…

Dan Gainor | August 9, 2005

Media Find Current TV Electrifying Stories downplay negatives, fawn over Al Gore, businessman as out to change the world.

By Dan Gainor…

Megan Alvarez | August 4, 2005

FairTax Gets Unfair Interview CNNs Soledad OBrien warns of the impending devastation of the economy with the FairTax.

Dan Gainor | August 4, 2005

Journal Story Describes the End of the World As We Know It Harvard professors connection of current events to pre-World War I ignores mountains of good…

| August 3, 2005

Energy: Regulation and Rewards, not Freedom Media blast oil companies, lawmakers but fail to investigate financial boost to inefficient energy source.…

Dan Gainor | August 3, 2005

Times Blinded By Hazy View of Reality Dramatically cleaner air downplayed in a story about threats to Clean Air Act because troubles remain.…