The media are frequently cynical about the private sectors profit
motive, but when it comes to government schemes to rake in more
cash, the same skepticism often doesnt kick in. That was the case
on the February 22 World News Tonight as reporter Miguel Marquez
portrayed highway speed cameras in Scottsdale, Ariz., as a tool to
promote highway safety while ignoring how the cameras are a coveted
cash cow to local governments.
People go too fast, like The Fast and the Furious
all the young kids, motorist Harry Espey complained to Marquez at
the top of his World News Tonight report.
Marquez showed Scottsdale Mayor Mary Manross insisting
her constituents have been clamoring for the last few years for a
way to slow down traffic. Dismissing some tepid criticism from an
Arizona state legislator who prefers traffic stops over cameras, the
ABC reporter closed his piece fully convinced that only public
safety, not easy money, was the politicians motivation. Scottsdale
will decide by next fall whether to extend the program. If traffic
accidents are down, it could be coming to a freeway near you, he
But while Marquez portrayed the cameras as governments
selfless response to safety needs, a reporter for an Arizona paper
found that money, not increased safety, seemed to be driving
Scottsdales push for speeding cameras.
The Arizona Republics
Lesley Wright reported in the February 23 paper that Scottsdale officials voted
unanimously to oppose state legislation requiring fair warning to
motorists to slow down around camera setups. All of these bills are
meant to discourage photo-enforcement around the state, complained
the mayor. Wright went on to add city lobbyist Bridget Schwartz-Manocks
complaint that another state bill, which would phase out
state-shared revenue to Arizonas largest cities, would lose
those large cities, including Scottsdale, some $34 million in
speeding ticket revenue.
In a Mar. 23, 2005,
Atlanta Journal Constitution op-ed, Cato policy analyst
Radley Balko criticized speed cameras for violating constitutional
rights by presuming a speeder guilty until proven innocent and for
proving to be addictive to cash-hungry politicians, citing abuses in
Sacramento, Calif., Washington, D.C., and Bethesda, Md.
ABC Speeds through Traffic Camera Story
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