Latest Blogs

| June 24, 2005

A Million-Year El Nio? New York Times Selective in Article on Climate Studies

by Megan Alvarez…

| June 24, 2005

ABCs Mercury Straw Man World News Tonight gives exposure to environmental group, even as story discredits Robert Kennedys claims.…

| June 23, 2005

ABC Reports: Breakfast is Controversial New ads for kids cereals are the latest target in the anti-free market obesity war.


Dan Gainor | June 22, 2005
CNNs Henry Misrepresents Personal Accounts Polls Claims public doesnt support private accounts, but facts show otherwise.

By Dan…

Megan Alvarez | June 22, 2005
Times Brings Balance to Outsourcing Coverage The insourcing side of the story shows how imported auto industry plants bring 60,000 jobs to U.S.…
| June 22, 2005
$7 Billion, But Whos Counting? Media harp on PBS political controversy but ignore massive government funding of public broadcasting.


Dan Gainor | June 16, 2005

30 Days of Supersized Guilt Morgan Spurlock shows how difficult it is to pretend to be poor.

By Dan Gainor June 16, 2005

The new Morgan Spurlock…

Dan Gainor | June 16, 2005

Social Security Debate: What to do about it? Free market defenders fight for ownership, while reform opponents want to increase biggest government program ever.…

| June 14, 2005
WSJ Attacks Exxon for Not Losing Money on New Energy Sources Article looks down on free market success and leaves out scientists on the other side…
Dan Gainor | June 13, 2005
USA Today  Decides Climate Debate Over The nations newspaper disregards scientific criticisms of global warming theory and doesnt include…
Dan Gainor | June 10, 2005
Is Greenspan Wary of Housing Problems? Even the major media have trouble agreeing just what the Fed Chairman said.

By Dan Gainor…

| June 9, 2005

Networks Not Lovin McDonalds Efforts New commercial with a healthy focus draws fire from morning shows.

By Amy Menefee June 9, 2005

Amy Menefee | June 8, 2005

Learning from an existing system

Study parameters In the initial Social Security study, first published in April 2005, the Business…

| June 7, 2005

For London Socialist, Taxes are the Answer AP omits Red from Livingstones resume in coverage of his worldwide tax proposal.

by Todd Drenth June 7, 2005…

Dan Gainor | June 6, 2005

FX Looks Left to Peak at Oil Energy apocalypse is one big worst-case scenario

By Dan Gainor June 6, 2005

     It probably will be…

Dan Gainor | June 3, 2005

ABC Helps Officials Beef About Their Own Statistics World News Tonight weighs in on the side of the Centers for Disease Control about obesity.

By Dan…

| June 2, 2005

Media Neglect Support for Personal Accounts Why are the media ignoring 450 economists in favor of personal accounts, including 5 Nobel Prize winners?

| June 1, 2005

Network Doomsday Warnings Run Out of Gas Gasoline prices actually fell during the week leading up to Memorial Day, but broadcasters reminded drivers of record highs.

By Amy…

Dan Gainor | May 31, 2005

Article Treats Wal-Mart Critics as Labor Experts Post promotes the union side in the battle against Southern retailing giant.

By Dan Gainor…

| May 26, 2005

Bubble, Boom or Bust? Media confuse the housing issue by comparing real estate to the stock market and stoking fears of a…